poor Bugs broke a finger...

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2009
Brooklyn, NY
Last week I noticed a red raised spot on Bug's paw. It wasn't bothering him and didn't look infected and wasn't soft or mushy. I've been keeping a really close eye on it, checking him twice a day. On Wed. I noticed he was favoring the paw a bit. considering he's already missing a finger on his other paw (lost it in a fight but healed fien and he's doing 100% without the one finger) favoring his "good" paw was not a good sign. I took him intoday and the vet agreed that there's no infection so she did some x-rays... poor boy broke a finder... and it's not setting well. there's really nothing they can do about setting or splinting it. she said they have actually tried to spilint chins before but it never works. anyway the finger seems to be pointing up more than it should and will probably set like that. As a result he'll probbaly never get full mobility back in the one finger.

The x-ray showed a void area where the finger should line up. the void could be just from the bone being so far out of allinment - OR and this is the scary part... it could be bone cancer that is eating away at teh bone and caused the break. The only way to tell is to do a follow up x-ray in a few weeks and see if the void fills in as the bone heals - if not we have to consider that it's cancer. If so we may amputate to paw to try to keep it from spreading.

I'm trying to stay positive, but I lost adearkt beloved cat 2 years ago to agressive cancer and I'm not ready for that again. I the vet looked worred when she came in to talk to me. i'm trying not to read anything into that as she was also tending to a bird in the next exam room and so she could have been reacting to anything... and I was tryingt o let her know I was open to bad news. Also she didn't push for the follow up x-ray, I asked what to do next adn she said I could bring him in.... Of course I'm following up. 1) I want to know if he's healing 2) if it is cancer and catching it ealy could save his life I want to know that as soon as possible.

in the mean time the poor boy is wiped out from being up all day. I had to take his wheel out and he's not allowed play time until he heals. He's going to be really pissed off as soon as he wakes up and realizes his wheel is gone.

Oh and because we need to moniter his reactions to the paw in case there;s a change, we can't give him pain meds. i don't think he's in a lot of pain, but I know he's not feeling 100%.

If anyone has some healing thoughts they can send please do.
Sending healing thoughts and knowing that cancer is very rare in chinchillas, I have a good feeling he will be ok!
I'm so sorry you and your chin are going through this, but I bet the xray will look good when you go back to the vet. I'm definitely sending healthy, healing thoughts your way!
I will be sending good vibes your way!! Cancer is very rare with chins at least! I have a chin here who is missing a lot of toes, she came that way and does quite well.

If it ends up being the worst case, I've been through cancer in a chin and will give you any advice I can but I really bet it's just his toe and he'll heal up in no time!
dawn and Tagna - thanks for the encouraging words about cancer being rare. Having lost my cat to an agressive cancer 2 years ago, and then my folks had to have their cat put to sleep because a bone cancer was causing pain, I've been worried about it.

An off set finger I know he'll be OK with. and even if he does have to have the paw off I know he'll be OK. one of my hansters was a tripod (from an injury) and she was just fine. For a while I had to crush her food into smaller bits to make it easier for her to pick up with one paw, but after a while she was OK with the big food too.
I'm so sorry Bugs got hurt, and hope it's just the finger and not cancer. I had a degu with a broken finger from a fight where they also couldn't do anything about setting it. It healed crooked and he always looked like he was giving you the finger, but he did just fine and finally died just from old age.
So sorry about Buggs's finger. Sending good thoughts your way and hoping it's just a break and not cancer!
thnaks guys. Poor boy has been hiding and sleeping way more than normal - I'm sure the paw hurts. And while I really would love to give him some Metacam, the vet has a point about the faxt that at first it didn't seem to other him at all and then later seemed to start hurting... she thinks the pain is important bith so I have a sense of how he's feeling, but also to encourage him to favore it and let it heal up. Maybe he's just pooting because I took his wheel out.
just an update: we're still 2 weeks from getting the follow up xray BUT Bug's paw looks SO much better. The red spot from the bone poking at an odd angle is almost gone and even better, I think the bone set in a more allighed way. last week his finger was sticking out at an odd angle and the vet said it might set that way. BUT it's looking like it's in line.

I'm feeling MUCH better.
Since I hate when people forget to update these threads...
Bug's finger is not all healed up - the vet says that becasue paws move so much it may never "set" but that it is healing well. so we're no longer worried that there's any underlaying causes of the break - just him being a chin boy who's crazy.

He's allowed play time again and can have his wheel back at the end of this week :)
I no how yea feel :(. A few years back when i was petting my boy his finger got pinched between my hand and the cage bars. It all red for a while. I felt so bad that i was the cause of that. It was only after that however that i looked much closer at that paw and noticed he was missing a finger. 0.0

He was a fully grown chin that had been passed around several owners before i got him, so i have no idea about his past. But i still feel horrible thinking that i might be the reason he lost his finger :'( But ill never no for sure.

But you would never no to look at him. He still acts like the great chinchilla that he is! And still loves to get his stomach scratched! The msot lovable guy youll ever meet!
godof gods - Bugs is missing a finger on one paw and has a broken finger on his other paw. He likes to get into truble... but he's also the sweetest snuggle Bug of them all. He's the one who got his photo in the paper recently... because he's the only one to stay still for the photagrapher - lol