Play pen? Will this work?

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I imagine as long as you're there in case she remembers she CAN jump 5ft, you should be okay. That said, Dessy doesn't have a playpen yet either.

For the record, that exact playpen is apparently 52.12 with free shipping on Newegg. :p
I bought that model, and was super excited for it to arrive.

However, you may want to consider the bar spacing..
My clever chinny, Julio...err, Jul-dini....was able to squeeze his little fluffy rear end through the bars.

He's a little guy though at 520 grams.
I ended up tossing blankies over it to make it work.

Julio has also tried to jump it, but can't quite clear it completely.

He will hop and hang from the top by his little paws until I scoop him up and put him back down.
(Oye ! And What an angry little knack I get, too, when I foil his plan!!! It's a real potty mouth over here)

If I leave his hides houses near it, he will try to use it to clear / climb the fence.

Chins are a dangerous combo of stubborn and smart!
I would def. still supervise your baby in there.

Hope this helps.
Thank you everyone for your help. I have to block off my hallway with a very tall box since she jumped over all the other ones. She still spends more time trying to get out than she does playing. :( Does it fold up pretty small to store?
We have one here. The bars make a grid of holes ~2"x5" and a chinchilla can figure out how to squeeze through. It isn't a fast process for our 625g/650g girls, and you can predict when they're about to do it. As long as you keep close supervision still you'll be ok.

Here is the behavior I've observed in chinchillas jumping. They like to jump from low to high. they don't seem to like to jump over high obstacles back down the the height they began at, it is probably harder for them to gauge. It is probably also hard for them to see the top and predict how to land just right. However, if you have a ledge close to the pen, they'll be much more comfortable jumping to that, so be aware of any ledges near the pen.

Kiwi learned how to jump on top of the 36" version we have. She learned just the right jumping height because the bookshelf was the same size and right next to it. Now 36" is a hard jump for her, she usually doesn't get high enough and jumps off the wall, so I THINK 42" would be ok. Just don't give them any references on height and they probably won't bother.

These do fold up nicely for storage as well. The one you posted says it folds, so yeah, it will fit in the closet if you have the space.
Thank you! Sorry one more question...I have areas or the house that are I can block off, I just don't have enough cardboard to do it. Plus, Hannah has learned to pull it away from the wall to get behind it. Do these panels come off separately in order to make other shapes etc?

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if your looking for a playpen, i use this to give my chins there sand baths in.

It works well for that, but might be a bit small for 'play time'. If you cant chin proof a small room then you could try getting two of these and putting them together.

They also have an 11 panel one as well. Here to see em all. Each panel is its own pivot point so you dont have to keep the shape in the photo. I make mine into a square. (But that cover thing only seems to work in that shape. But i dont use it)
Right now I have a hallway that I block off. It isn't huge, but still several times larger than her cage. But Hannah spends the whole time she has for playtime trying to escape playtime. I use a tall cardboard box that she can't jump but she spends the time either trying to get it away from the wall or trying to chew a hole big enough to get out. Also, she chews EVERYTHING. I know this is a chin thing, but the chick literally eats the paint on the walls! I have to follow behind her and shoo her away from the walls, especially the corners. She is also a fleece eater.
if your looking for a playpen, i use this to give my chins there sand baths in.

It works well for that, but might be a bit small for 'play time'. If you cant chin proof a small room then you could try getting two of these and putting them together.

I have two of them (I managed to snag them on sale for just $30 each), and it works out to be a pretty perfect size for my chins :) I like that the wire spacing (vertical bars, about 12" between horizontal bars) keeps them from climbing out. They might be able to jump out (mine haven't tried) but they certainly can't easily scale the sides.
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