Pet run-about ball is it safe?

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Jan 3, 2011
New York
hello, I just got a new one year old hedgehog and I want to make sure he gets enough exercise, I saw at petco a run-about ball and I was wondering if it's safe for him to run around in? I know that it's important that his feet can't get caught but other then that is there a problem? I would really like this to be an option because my house is not what I would call hedgehog proof and this way he would be allowed to explore my house without getting into something he shouldn't.
This is one of those questions that it kind of depends on who you ask. Some people think they are great but many, including myself feel they are dangerous.

The little ventilation slits can catch little toes and nails and cause injury. Hedgehogs poop and pee when they run and when they do it in the enclosed space of the ball then they are breathing in their own waste. This isn't healthy. The ventilation in the balls is poor so really they shouldn't be in one for more than a minute or two anyway.

There is also a concern if hedgie is running because he enjoys the ball or if he is terrified and trying to get somewhere to hide.
I second everything Nancy as, in my opinion, her arguments make common sense. I find it particularly important that it is impossible to tell if the hedgie is enjoying their time or panicking.

Many pet stores offer play pens that are easy to assemble and can ensure your hedgehog is kept in a safe environment.

If you decide to try to clear a safe area, you can also help block under couches and over top of vents with tube socks (cheap at walmart or target) filled with rice. I've done many using black socks and they help keep a tidy appearance despite the fact I have them all over the place.
I used run about balls in the early years. I only had one that I think actually liked the ball. She would climb into it then ram items in the room. Almost all the rest either didn't use them much, or just laid down to go to sleep.

Let me first state that you should be watching them constantly while in the balls anyway to ensure they are not in trouble... with that said. Part of my biggest problem with the balls is that because hedgehogs urinate and defecate while running they can get those things filthy very quickly. Because it is enclosed and the ventilation isn't that good, the hedgehogs are now breathing in what is in that ball. I figured it wasn't too healthy of an environment.

I also had a hedgehog who would get her nails caught in the ventilation slits. Thankfully she didn't run in those balls but walked around. I was able to stop her before she got hurt and stopped using them all together for her because of it.

Get yourself a playpen. I use those cube storage units that are also used to make C&C cages to build a playpen of custom sizes. Throw a couple of large blankets down, some toys or other items to explore and you can have a nice big, safe area to run around in that can be quickly packed away each night.
Thank-you so much for your feed back, I going to go with the play pen idea, I found one that's safe, I can afford, and works for my apartment. Maybe I can try to convince my family to try the sock idea ( which i really love). And again thank-you so much for your feedback and advice.
another great idea for Hedgehog exercise if you have the space in your home is a kids plastic pool , or some pet stores sell puppy pools during the summer months which are a bit smaller then the kids ones , easy to clean, hard to climb the sides, but storage may be an issue if you dont have a larger home , this idea is also grat for summer time play outside with some chicken wire over top
About the plastic kiddie pool... If it's only a foot or so high, hedgie might be able to climb out. Seems unlikely, but I've seen Satin get out of seemingly impossible situations... tested it even... put her in a bin a bit over a foot high with vertical sides and watched her climb out.

Satin's a secret ninja​

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