Pet Contest - My Chin needs your Votes!!!

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Well-known member
Oct 14, 2009
Azusa, CA
Hey everyone,

I am a new user here. Read some great articles and even got some good advice on bonding my little male chins. But my 5 year old male chin Peepers could use your help. He is an awesome little beige chin I took in so he didn't have to go to a rescue group. Someone I knew was moving to NY and couldn't take him with. He is basically what started my love and now obsession with all things chin! I have just entered him in KOST 103.5
"Cutest Pet Contest". Basically should he get in the top 10 or even get the grand prize my chin is getting the new digs he deserves. Right now he is in a converted bird house. Yeah he has 4 levels and I splurge and buy him Mazuri pellets, treats, etc but I haven't been able to afford a nice cage and there is tons of fun stuff I'd love to buy him. If you can help out by just voting for him online for the contest that would be awesome!

You can go to

- Click on "Cutest Pet Contest" , view photos.
- To find him fast go to the letter "P", his photo is on page 5
- Vote for him!!! You can vote for him everyday until Oct 23, if he gets in the top ten there will be a run off vote from Oct 26-29

I'm trying every venue I know to get him votes. Just the cage alone I would like to buy him is over $200, plus new wood houses to chew, a chin wheel, etc. My baby is expensive! But I love him, he is so cute!
Thanks everyone!

Hey guys I just wanted to thank any and all who may have voted for my Peepers! If anyone still can help me out by voting today we would appreciate it. The poll closes by 5pm PST today. Just from looking around on this website I think my chin definitely needs to win the grand prize! LOL, I entered him in this contest to hopefully win him a new cage! After looking through the housing section on this site I need 1 Ferret Nation cage, pans from Bass Equipment, shelves, wheel, a chin cage designer, and toys up the wazoo! (he has some of this but not enough) Some of your cage designs amaze me! Wow I got to get cracking. And then after I do his, my D' Artagnan and Cassanova (my other 2 chins) need the same treatment. Well, here's hoping!