Our first pet cage!!!

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Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Nappanee, Indiana
So the wife has been wanting a cage for a couple of special animals for upstairs. So I decided I would try and make it for her as a gift. But I wanted a cage that looked like it was part of or that atleast went with our current furniture. It's not done yet but it won't take long at this point. Just need shelves and she wants to put in a hammock, a tube. And some toys. It's taking me awhile since I can only work on it here and there like everything else around here. But I wanted to share and take anyone's unique ideas they may have for the remainder of this project.
They've been paired for a while now. And they both have a special place in my wife's heart for different reasons. And they are male and female but neither has ever bred. The beige female was beat up by its siblings and was brought upstairs to be bottle fed and been super tame ever since. And the male was shown and didn't do superbly but is a spitting image of his dad that died and has become super tame.
Looks nice, lucky chins! Have they figured out how to get from the 2nd to 3rd shelf? I'd be nervous about falling, but the picture may be deceiving.