Not eating...advice?

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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2009
South Florida
I noticed yesterday morning that my chin is barely eating and barely drinking. She is eating hay though, she'll chew the apple sticks I give her too. I started feeding her critical care which is difficult because she spits it back out. Her poops are are getting small and round and she's not peeing. I am taking her to the vet tomorrow but I am looking for advice on what I should ask the vet to test/look for. I have money saved up for emergencies but I didn't know if there are some things you think they can focus on. Her behavior is completely normal, she's not making any odd noises, and she is not getting overheated. I don't think it's the food because it's not a new batch and my other chin is fine. thanks for the help.
It's good she's eating hay, what pellets are you feeding her? Are they fresh?
If she isn't eating I would maybe order lifeline (a great supplement to mix with the critical care) from chocolatechinchillas (members correct me on that if i'm wrong on the name) and hand feed her. Are you sure she isn't peeing? mixing critical care with water keeps chins hydrated so not drinking much isn't unusual. How much are you feeding her? You have to really force them sometimes but they get used to it. It's hard the first few days when I have to hand feed mine.
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I feed her Purina Rabbit Chow Show which I bought from Camphor Chins so it's fresh; it hasn't been sitting around. Her hay is Oxbow. I know she's not peeing because she always uses her litter box (pine shavings) and her cage is fleece lined. I've been smelling her liner too just to make sure she's not just being lazy with her litter. I just started the hand feeding today and since she's not used to it yet and spitting it out I don't think she's getting much fluids. I will check out the Lifeline. Thank you!
I just fed her again and she ate about 8ml this time. I know that's not enough but I fed her several times today. She did a lot better too but she's learning my tricks on getting her to come to the door. Any suggestions on how to get her out of the cage?
You need to let the vet know what food she is eating and what treats she gets. Tell the vet she is not eating or drinking. They may recommend xrays to check the teeth.