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Well-known member
Nov 25, 2012
Downey, CA
I've had Mochi for 3 days now, and she seems to be warming up to my bf and I fairly quickly. We expected that as a pet store chinchilla, it would be a good long while (month-ish) before she'd be ready to play outside of her cage. However, she's exhibited signs of being comfortable sooner than expected. She lets us scratch her chin (sometimes) and often comes over to smell us and climb on our hands. She still isn't totally comfortable yet (like she likes to go stand in a corner with her back to us when she's decided scratching time is over). But I'm guessing she'll be ready for playtime in two weeks or so rather than a month.

That being said, the best room for her cage (our guest room/computer room) is not the best room for her to play in. However, her cage is right next to a small hallway (3.25' x 7.75') that I'm thinking would be a good play area. Does anyone else have a play area that is not the room the cage is kept in? Is there any reason this would be a bad idea? Like she's used to the smell of her room but not the hallway or something?
I let mine play in the bathroom! No carpet, no cords to chew on, no places to squeeze behind! Sounds like your hallway is similar, so I say its good! I take the "potty box" in to the bathroom for play time... So they have the scent of that...and a few toys from the cage, so that always helps :)
Thanks! I can't wait till she's ready for playtime!!! Being patient is hard when you're this excited! :p
I use my bathroom& adjoining hallway for play time.. I carry my guy to his play space from his cage room. He's never minded at all, though I do make sure to put a few toys in for him. He learned pretty fast that his room isn't for playing, but it doesn't stop him from trying :)
Point being, definitely use the safest room in your house, even if it's not the most convenient.
We play in the dining room. It has the least amount of furniture and no cords, and it's easy to clean up after playtime.
I use my bedroom for play time and the chin cage is down the hall in the other bedroom because we have a wood stove and its down the hall and cool down there with no heat on...Hall ways can be used less stuff to move if blocked of which is easy to do...

one thing about using my bedroom is its fitted to the chin so a little odd with my barricades set up lol good idea to use the hallway may try that too there would be no moving stuff and I bet the hallway would make for some good wall surfing !!!!
How much play time is normal? Will it be obvious when she's done, and that's how I know when play time is over?

Mochi's progressing so quickly. She let's us both scratch her chin and forehead and sometimes behind the ears. She lifted her front leg while I was scratching her chin and I was able to give her a chest/belly scratch. My bf was able to lure her with some oats up my arm so that she actually had all 4 feet on me last night! And she often comes to see what we're doing if we open her cage door.

I usually know play time is over when attention shifts from jumping and playing to trying to chew on things/escape through the barriers. Maybe that's just cause Ganache is a baby still, like his attention span is lower? I would guess she'll give you cues when she wants to go back..
We use the landing area on our staircase for playtime. Easy to vacuum and neither of them are all that interested in eating the carpet. As far as knowing when playtime is over? I look for when Vincenza's ears start to look a little flushed. Usually about 20-30 minutes. She's a pink and white though, so it's easy to tell. Same with our tan.
I agree about playtime being over when the attention shifts to trying to find a way out of the play area. When my girl starts gnawing on the playpen bars, trying to dig under them, and pulling at the carpet, playtime is over. The time varies, sometimes she's happy to run around for a long while, sometimes a short while.