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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Dec 3, 2012
San Diego CA
Hello, I'm a chin owner from So cal. I'm a Navy vet currently going to college, my hobbies include movies, painting, reading, board games, and nerdy pursuits. I own a sweet lil 3 month old Ebony by the name of Voodoo. I got a chinchilla when my active duty husband went on a surprise deployment and left me to an empty house. The lease didn't allow for a dog or a cat, so I figured a chin was the next best thing. I had no idea this lil guy could be so awesome.

Voodoo is a 3 month old ebony male.
His hobbies include begging, climbing, and pooping. He is a local boy from a ranch a half hour up north.
He is from
and the are genuinely caring folks who helped me pick out just the right chin for me. And is there for all my chin related needs. When they asked what kind of chinchilla I was after, I told them I didn't care to much what it looked like, I just wanted the friendliest baby they had. After trying every chinchilla they had I went to the first one they handed me. He picked me from the start and proved it by taking a nap in the hood of my sweater.

Voodoo, is one of those rare super friendly chinchillas. Hes also rather vocal, and tolerates and enjoys being touched. he is a cunning little trickster, but always comes back for a snuggle. He is very happy to curl up in my sweater with me.

Im hopping to get some advice on how to bring him up right.
Aww sounds like you have quite the bond with Voodoo! He seems super sweet! Welcome to the forum, I'm sure you will make lots of new friends here :)
Awe, Voodoo sounds like such a great family member! I am glad you have him to keep you company when your husband is gone. Welcome!!!