Need some advice on Pepper

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The signs of diabetes in cats and dogs is usually drinking and excessive ammount of water. I thought Nyx might be diabetic because she spends so much time drinking but as it turned out she just likes the motion. She's my goblin princess baby, lol! Its a good idea to mention it too your vet.

Any trouble breathing? Lack of interest in exercise? Many upper respiritory infections smell very sweet.
Well he does just the opposite when it comes to water..he drinks less than any of my other chins. He isn't very active, but never has been. I have had him about 3 months and he was a little backwards when I got him..he doesn't let me hold him. At one time or another he was a classroom pet and got tormented with kids poking him through the cage, etc so he's not too people friendly. I can go to the cage and pet him but thats about the extent of it.
On a positive note I just weighed Pepper..he has gained 60 grams since his last vet visit in March. He was 355 and now he is 415 so that is good.
Ok..Pepper has some overgrown molars. We are setting up an appt to have him sedated and his teeth filed down. We couldn't schedule it today because the person who handles that wasn't there but they are supposed to call me tomorrow and get things set up. We didn't do xrays, we thought we would start with the most obvious problem first.
It is always best to have x rays done. Why treat just part of a problem when you don't even know the full extent? You could be treating the tip of the iceburg so to say, compared to what is really wrong.... or hopefully not, but you really need x rays when anything tooth related is suspected. I hope he feels better soon!
Yeah that makes sense. I think I will go ahead and tell them to do the xrays.
Pepper goes in Thursday morning to have his teeth worked on. Providing there are no complications, he will be home Thursday evening.