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Jul 3, 2011
Today i picked up my female hedgehog to get her use to me again today her babies are three weeks old but when i picked her up she has mites all over her and the tank she is in. What do i do? I am sure her babies have them too and i have a vet that know about hedgehogs and i have taken her there before for mites but i dont want to stress her out and have her hurt her babies. I haven't handle them before. Please any help would be great.
I don't know of any way to get rid of mites other than taking them all to the vet....
Can you maybe talk to your vet and just pick up the treatment for the mites instead of bringing the hedgies in? The vet I work with is comfortable with me describing symptoms and allowing me to administer medications myself (depending on the situation of course).
The safest cleaner for mites is half water to half vinegar. But its going to be tricky cleaning the cage since you have new hoglets. How does mom react when you pick her up? Have you touched the hoglets yet? What kind of bedding do you use?
The medication you want to get from your vet if your hedgies do infact have mites is Revolution. Its a topical treatment. Don't get Ivermectin - it is an injectable mite treatment that can be fatal for hedgies. I have no knowledge on whether or not Revolution is safe for hoglets - that is something you will have to talk to your vet about - or hopefully a more experienced hedgie owner will chime in!
Good luck! And I love pictures of hoglets if you get a chance to take some :)
Also - just wanted to add that tanks do not tend to have good air ventilation especially for babies...
I talk to my vet today and they told me to bring them in on Wednesday and that the meds they have arent safe for the babies to be around. i havent hold them yet i was giving them some time with their mommy first. She is super friendly and i was holding her today and thats when i seen the mites. i use carefresh bedding but i am getting a ferret nation cage soon and i am going to use liners.
Ferret Nation cages are excellent! I love mine :) And I believe that fleece liners are the best!:thumbsup:
Start experimenting with the hoglets and see how mom reacts - start with putting your hand close to the hoglets and then eventually touch them without picking them up. I had quite the scare with one of my hoglets when she was less than 3 weeks and I had to handle her twice a day for medications. Luckily my mom hog was super friendly and didn't react to me messing with the hoglet. It was nerve racking but definatley worth it because the hoglet survived! I personally would recommend that you do not let your vet handle the hoglets yet - to many weird smells. You'll have to bring them along to stay with mom but hopefully the vet can just do a skin scrape on the mom and not the hoglets.
Good luck and keep us updated!
Yeah I am just bring them so it doesn't stress out haji. I had to pick up one today they decide to wonder so I put it back with her. She didn't mind at all.
i read that if you give your hedgie a bath with veggie oil that and leave the oil on them for a day then wash them normal the next day that it will get rid of them. Do you know if this is true or if it will stress out Haji and her babies?
That's excellent that your female didn't mind you picking up one of the hoglets! The babies are so cute when they start to explore, have you seen one self-annoint yet? It is the most adorable thing ever!! lol Hedgies are tricky little animals to own and especially to breed - I'm glad yours are doing well.
I personally do not know anything about the veggie oil treatment. Maybe try PM one of the more experienced owners, perhaps they have had experience with that. Sorry I can't be of more help :(