My new baby!

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Hey guys! I'm back here to Chins n Qui- err Hedgies! It's taken me a year and a half to come to grips with the death of my beloved Sweet Pea, but I finally got a new hedgie! I was supposed to get one sooner, but the one I had reserved from my breeder died unexpectedly. Anyway, my new girl's name is Mika, and she's still in the hissy-huffy-cranky baby-stage.

She's really funny when she eats, though. I try to pet her so she gets used to me, but sometimes she just takes her food and runs into the corner to eat lol. I put some videos up on YouTube. Enjoy!
Video of her first day home!

She apparently doesn't approve of paparazzi!

I've been spending lots and lots of time with her. She got to try her first meal-worm today, too! At first she was so scared of it! But then I kept putting it near her mouth and she finally ate it and decided she loves them lol it was so cute!

How wonderful that you have opened up to another hedgie!!!!!! She is absolutely gorgeous!!! Her antics in both of the videos are soooooooo funny. I keep watching them. I am already looking forward to more pictures, videos and stories about the new baby.
Hehe thank you very much guys! She's comin along very well! Here's 2 more pics

Miss Grumpy-Pants doesn't want to be awake this early!

and one more!
O hai. Im just hangin out wiv mai daddy todai. He has lots of homework so maybe I can haz lap time? lol


Right after this pic I got her to poop in her litter box! I gave her a mealworm for a prize, but I don't know if she knew that she did a good thing lol. I hope she learns to use her potty-box!
Welcome back!

We are so glad to have you back, and your new baby is very beautiful. Sweet Pea is probably smiling down on you both right now!

Hehe Thank you guys! She's a little grumpy today =(. I think it's funny how hedgehogs have that funny way of saying I WANNA DO WAT I WANNA DO AND IF U TRY TO STOP MEH IMMA POKE YOU WIV MAH QUILLZ! ahaha Oh well, it's still nap-time for her, so maybe in a few hours she'll be up and about.

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