My chins name name be offensive? Should I rename her?

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
I just found out tonight that my chin Marika's name means something other than I thought. In another language I'm not sure if it would be offensive or not. I don't want to post the meaning here though.

I'm thinking about just calling her Rikka.
Lol, I was informed it meant something not terribly appropriate in Spanish.

I guess it really doesn't matter :)
Oh geez. In spanish it means "sissy" (a different ending is a homosexual slur, but that changes the word). If you are worried about it, change it to 'Murica! cause there ain't no better country nowhere!
I don't think its offensive. If you hadn't put up this thread and I saw a chin named Marika I would just think its a pretty name. Nothing more.

....and anyway... you can never please everyone. It's a chin's name. If someone's going to get offended over that... they need to get over themselves.
Hmm I speak spanish and Marika means nothing to me, it could be a different dialect of Spanish, but you may mean the work "Maricona" which means lesbian in Spanish. Either way I am sure many of the words that we use can be considered offensive in another language since there are so many. I like the name I would keep it.
There are soooooooooooo many homosexual slurs (in my family theyre terms of endearment) in Spanish don't worry about it! If there was a "con" (pronounced cone) at the end then yea, its a full blown obvious jab. But Marika is fine! Just tell anyone who wants to cry about it that it's Maria with a k ;)

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