My chin doesn't want to eat or drink water.Help!!!

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New member
Jul 5, 2014
Hello everyone.

First let me say HAPPY 4th OF JULY.
I have a female chinchilla and I noticed for the last 4 days that she doesn't want to eat neither to drink water. I took he to the vet and he checked her and also make and x-ray. On the x-ray there was a small part of the food in her stomach but nothing serious.He couldn't find anything wrong but due to the reason that she is breathing hard and heavy he gave her two injections and also 2 antibiotics.

For the last two days the situation is getting worst. She weights less and she stays in on of the corners of the cage and just breaths hard. The two medications are BAYATRIL and METOCLOPRAMIDE..... I also bought critical care food but she doesn't want to eat it. I am giving her the medications every 8 hours but I notice that every time I pick her from the cage, she is less responsive. When I leave her back in the cage she stays for a while on one place like she is trying to take a brake and then slowly she goes at the corner.
Is there anyone who had a similar problem with his/her chinchilla and what should be your advice?

Thank you.
Diuretic injection

Just came back from the vet clinic. She received one injection of a diuretic just in case if she has heart failure which I doubt it.
If the chin won't eat the critical care, you need to make it eat it or it will die, not be be harsh but this is a medical emergency and the chin needs to be syringe fed, hopefully its not to late and the gut has not shut down and died yet. The medications will do nothing if there is not food in the gut, baytril will make the whole situation worse. You need to feed this chin, get a 10ml feeding syringe at petco/petsmart in the bird health section, mix the critical care to a thick milkshake consistency, practice extruding it in small little amounts before you put it in the chins mouth. 5-10ml per feeding, until you achieve 60ml+ a day. Also, more than likely this chin is dehydrated-another emergency, the vet should be advised of the issue ASAP and the chin should get subQ fluids ASAP. If you don't know how to hand feed I have videos of it being done.

Again, if there is not aggressive medical treatment like right now between you and your vet this chin will die in a very short period of time, if its not already too late. I don't mean to come across mean, I am very concerned this chin is going to be at the point of no return.
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No eating at all

Well, when we try to give her the food through the syringe,sometimes she swollow it and sometimes she spit it out of her mouth. Last night after the vet visitation we gave her the antibiotic plus a lot of water. At the moment we left her she lay down and she doesn'т wantt o move at all. We have to give her thhe medication in two hours but honestly I Think thnst if I take her out of the cage that will be. At least we can continue giving her water wih the syringe :cry3:
I agree with Dawn!

If she is taking in water, you can make the critical more liquide for her to take in. Also you can add a drop of honey to sweeten and more enticing. Once she gets to take in the CC with no problem, you can reduce the quantity of honey every day to no more.

Good Luck
It is ok if she wears more of the CC than actually consumes. Getting ANY little bit that you can into her is what is crucial right now.
When the chinchilla gut is empty for a long period of time, it will stop contracting and die, the chin dies shortly after, its a horrid death. This chin needs aggressive emergency medical treatment NOW, if you can't be aggressive leave the chin at the vet and have the vet techs deal with it.