Moist Poo?

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Well-known member
Sep 12, 2011
Hello all,

Today I noticed my Tum Tum seems to having minor moist poo that looks kinda green, but not soft enough that it would crush when you pick it up. They are not in clumps or anything thought. While Bam Bam, whose in the same cage is pooping normal black pellets.

About a week ago, I changed their diet from Mazuri to Oxbow. When I used Mazuri in the past, I never seen this problem. I use Alfalfa Kind Timothy hay and now use Oxbow Deluxe for both my chins.

For treats, Bam Bam is only 6 months so I actually do not give him anything, but sticks to chew. Tum Tum on the other hand, I will feed a rose hip every other day. I just got some rose buds as well and been feeding him those but that only has happened 2 times since i got them the past week.

Earlier today, I left them in the bathroom and was able to inspect their poop as I was cleaning up the wonderful mess. That is when I noticed Tum Tum's poop seem to be different than usual. Its usually black hard poo that do not feel any moist to them generally. I'm worried that something could be possibly wrong and what I can do at the moment. :wacko:
Poo changes depending on how much food they're consuming. If they eat more of one thing (hay, pellets, etc) one day the poo might look slightly different. If it's fresh (right out of the chin) and slightly moist that is normal :)
ooo thanks! yea im still monitoring to make sure. sometimes little things give me heart attacks!!