Mochi is an Eater...

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Well-known member
Nov 25, 2012
Downey, CA
So, I've read lots of posts about people's chins shredding stuff. Mochi doesn't shred. She EATS. I got her a palm shredder toy for Christmas, and she eats it. She eats the bird kabob (yucca) toy I got her for Christmas as well. She also eats the sticks I give her... mostly the bark, but I think some of the actual wood, too if it's a thinner twig. Whens she's done with the "tasty bits" of the stick, she just throws it away.

I know the stuff I'm giving her is chin safe, but it is it actually chin safe if they eat it? Or is it only chin safe cause they assume the stuff gets shredded and not eaten? And since she actually eats the stuff, does this mean I should give them to her less often so that it doesn't interfere with her eating her hay and food?
I'm actually kind of wondering this too! Mimi seems to eat some of her things as well. Though not all the time, just occasionally.
Henry eats stuff too, I was wondering that myself, whether I should give him less balsa sticks since he always eats those.
So, I'm guessing that it's okay that she eats her toys and I don't need to limit them at all?
I thought I heard that if they are actually eating some of their cardboard stuff instead of just shredding it, you should remove it. Not sure if that applies for other types of shredder toys.
Yeah, I don't give Mochi cardboard for this reason. I tested her with it once at playtime, and that was enough. All of the shredder toys she has are on the chin safe wood list which is why I wasn't sure.
If she is actually eating it, I would take it away. Even chin safe woods can cause blockages if they swallow it.
Just had same issue with my boys. They lost their cardboard privileges for this reason too. Don't want to risk it. I would have to say woods are safer. Don't think would would effect them in this way. My boys eat everything so all they have really had is their wood chew toys.
No, she doesn't chew the fleece at all. She only has the one cube right now, so it might be different if she had more fleece stuff.