Middle of the night, chin on floor of cage...

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Well-known member
Oct 14, 2009
Azusa, CA
OK so I am very worried. Just found my chin Rowdy on the floor of his cage not really moving. I picked him up and he is not at all active although his eyes do not seem to be glazed over. Checked teeth, they are orange like they should be, no drooling. Also weight seems fine too. But he is making theses soft noises. Like burping softly or air coming out softly or something. Reminds me of when you pour yourself some soda and you can hear the bubbles softly coming to the top. Also he is giving little sneezes. His stomach also feels very soft, not the norm for any of my chins. It does not have the usual resistance or tautness i guess you might say. I'm going to be looking at all the threads right now to see what I might do but I thought if anyone was up they might be able to let me know so I might do something for him right away. I have metacam, gas drops, critical care on hand. Any suggestions are profoundly welcome. Thanks

- Barbie
I'm looking right now to see who is open. His normal vet is not open at night or on sundays....
Crap this is not going well...making phone calls and so far emergency clinic #1 doesn't do chins #2 the doctor is allergic to them #3 also no experience but they will put him down for me if i want...what the heck?

Still calling though ...
:( How are things going? Did you find a vet? We have our quills crossed here that Rowdy is doing better.
No, I didn't find someone who could see him during the night. I'm in the San Gabriel Valley and I called vets here to pasadena, some in the Inland Empire and Orange county. I called what was in the phone book and the numbers I got from those vets. The best I got was there was one who had someone coming in at 6am that would be able to help him.

I've been staying with him and he was giving these like sneezes or maybe they were hiccups. I didn't know what was wrong with him so I did give him some gas drops but i was afraid to give anything that would make it worse. He got weaker but he was still pooping, wouldn't take food of any kind from me though.

About half an hour ago Rowdy passed away. Half an hour short of someone being able to help him. I know animals hide whats wrong for as long as possible but I have been trying to review in my head the last couple of days. But I can remember him eating, he's never been hanging out of the bottom of the cage before last night, I don't remember any unusual behavior from him. His mother and sister look fine. I don't know. I wish I didn't have to go to work today. My eyes are going to be the size of golf balls with puffiness. I'm going to be extra watching the other five. I'll miss my Rowdy though, such a sweet personality, my only wall surfer, one of my youngest.
Oh Barbie. I'm so sorry. I could have sworn the VCA in Pasadena saw chins 24 hours. :( RIP sweet Rowdy.
That is so terrible! I am so sorry for your loss :( Are you going to take him in to find out what could have been the cause of his death?

May Rowdy rest in peace
Cindy, I don't think I called that VCA last night. I think the VCA I called was in Montclair, they were the ones that said the earliest they had someone was at 6am.

Thank you guys for your condolences. It's obvious that I made a mistake, I didn't have something prepared in advance. I appreciate that no one judged me for that, trust me I'm upset with myself over that. I did think though I would have found someone last night who could help him. I just got home from work and everyone else is fine, including his mom and sister who shared a cage with him. Also thanks to Tabitha and Cindy for suggestions of places to call, it was too late for Rowdy but I will keep those places names/numbers on hand. I've been keeping the sadness in all day since I had to get through the work day but now I am suppose to go see my Dad for father's day and I don't know that he will understand why I cry over a chinchilla when I'm suppose to be celebrating with him. I took Rowdy in with me to work and Banfield will be cremating the body for me, decided not to do the necropsy. Last night I was going to use what money I had on hand that was meant for bills and borrow from my roommate if I had to for treatment for him but honestly I don't have much right now. BTW I do concur with people that there should be a vet monies set aside and I have taken all my animals in to be seen if sick. Right now circumstances are unemployment sent my brother a letter and disability a similar one to my mom that funds are up and I find myself the sole support of 3 on a PetSmart salary. I will be keeping a close eye on the other 5 and they will be seen if I have to lie, cheat or steal...or beg, it will probably come down to begging.

Thanks again to all. I do have a lovely picture of Rowdy with his mom and Santa Clause from last Christmas and I have good memories of my time with him.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I had a chin that was fine when I started to clean his cage and was gone three hours later. Never showed any signs and never figured out what happened to him.