Metal Corner Litter pans - Available Soon!

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Mar 16, 2011
Harrisburg PA
So I've been in contact over the last week or so with Bass company seeing if they could start making metal corner litter pans that would specifically fit their FN trays. I had also requested a method to attach them to the cage. (So chins cant throw them around)

I just got my last reply. This is what they said.


"We can make the metal style litter tray but making it attach the the cage is a little more difficult. Suppose you could have a couple bolts with wing nuts and a washer to secure it to the wire sides. We could also possibly put a metal tab on the back that hooks over the wire. Did you have any ideas for securing the metal pan?"


The fact that they can make them is great. (at least until i see a price). But I'm lacking in ideas for attaching them to the cage. Enough where chins cant throw them, but simple enough where you can take them out to clean daily without a lot of problems.

The bolts and washers they suggested would indeed be secure. But for the ones that would attach in the back side of the cage, taking them out to clean would be a royal pain.

Tabs would be easy to remove for cleaning, but I fear the chins could remove them easily to. (And if you want an idea of how good mine are at that, take a look at This.)

Any one else have any ideas? Having metal corner pans available to all would be great.
I have corner metal litter pans, made by a friend from another forum, and they don't attach at all. They are heavy enough that I can just set them in the corner and my girls rarely even TRY to move them. Even when they do get a wild hair to destroy the cage, they can only push the pans around a little bit. Like I said, they are pretty heavy.

Here's a pic for size comparison:
I have corner metal litter pans, made by a friend from another forum, and they don't attach at all. They are heavy enough that I can just set them in the corner and my girls rarely even TRY to move them. Even when they do get a wild hair to destroy the cage, they can only push the pans around a little bit. Like I said, they are pretty heavy.

Here's a pic for size comparison:

Side note: Awesome looking cage!
Your lucky that they don't try to move them. My three girls always try to. But at the moment theirs not much else for them to do. Once i get some more stuff I'm hoping they will leave them alone.
My temporary fix to hold the litter pan in place...binder metal clips. Simple enough to remove if I have to move the pan to clean.

I like the one with the grate on it, they couldnt fling shavings everywhere. Wander if they would use it with the wire grate?????
I like the one with the grate on it, they couldnt fling shavings everywhere. Wander if they would use it with the wire grate?????
I have a corner pan with a wire grate and my chin uses it regularly. He does push it around, but has not managed to spill anything out of it yet.
Thanks Chris, I think I might have to give it a try!
The one on that site only ships in Canada :(
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well, its been almost a month now since i last heard word from the Bass company about this matter. Despite a few emails and what not, they have not replied a single single time. I think they may have just given up :(
Think a small piece of Velcro on the back of a metal littler pan, and the gaurd of the Bass tray might work? Its not exactly and ideal solution, as the noise of removing it will undoubtedly upset my girls. But short on attachment options atm.
I found a couple of these clamps work great to keep the litter pans from moving!



Just got a responce form Bass a few minutes ago.

"Sorry for the slow response, we have been really behind. We have not gotten a chance to try any of the ideas for securing the litter pan. We have several we would like to try and will keep you posted."

24 Days to get that reply. If thats true, then thats one heck of a back log they have.
That looks like a great idea. Ive never seen those before. What are they? And what are they made of?

They are called Banker's Clamps, made of stainless steel and comes in 2 sizes, 3 1/4" and 5 3/4". The 5 3/4" are the ones shown in the pics. The cheapest I found was for $1.80 for a pair.
Supplier contact info

Does anyone know the supplier's email address for these corner metal litter pans? I don't do business through eBay due to various past bad experiences, but would like to contact this person. They seem reputable and have good reviews but would rather not go through eBay. Thanks in advance.
Does anyone know the supplier's email address for these corner metal litter pans? I don't do business through eBay due to various past bad experiences, but would like to contact this person. They seem reputable and have good reviews but would rather not go through eBay. Thanks in advance.

If your looking for something other then Ebay, i found This while searching for pans. Only difference i noticed is that its one inch taller and $7 cheaper.

How good do those bankers clasps work for you? They look like they could do a good job. And i found This ad for 24 of those clasps for $12+7 shipping.