Loofa chews and Dye in toys?

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Momma to Ganache :D
Oct 8, 2012
So I'm trying to find my little guy a variety of chewing things.. we haven't found anything that he really LOVES yet.. I keep seeing these Loofa chews, of all different sorts, and I don't know what they're made of or if they're safe. Are they considered treats? Also they have things called "rice pops", I can't tell if those are the same thing. My inclination is not to get these but if they're safe I'd like to give him as many options as possible!


Secondly, are dyed woods okay? It's apple wood and says "pet safe vegetable dye"
I've seen some of the bridges and play houses with dyed wood so I wasn't sure if they're approved. Thanks!

Loofa is the spongy inside of a type of gourd, perfectly safe for chinchillas, it's a toy chew thing. My guys don't eat it they just shredded them, and they don't last more then a night. I've never heard of rice pops so I can't help ya there. As for the colored wood, it sounds like vegetable based food coloring which is safe. The bridge however I'd be careful about, chins can get their toes and legs caught between the wood pieces and get hurt, so they have to be tight together, no gaps.
Loofah is safe and you'll find a fair amount of vendors on CnH sell it. As for dyed wood and/or loofah intended for chins, food grade dye is used with the occasional non-sweetened Cool-aid flavoring. They are safe, but some people prefer to go all natural - no dye or flavorings at all. Its a preference or health necessity for a specific chin.
Great thanks! It's good to know I have some more options for him! It can be so hard to tell what is safe and what's not since they just label "chinchilla" on so much bad stuff.
Some chinchillas love loofah and others won't touch it. Mine like it regardless, but they love it if it's flavored.
It's funny how you mention that, Ann. My girl seems to have much distain for loofa. She pushes is out of her way, throws it behind her, or kicks it with her back feet. Not sure why she's such a loofa hater, but it's amusing to watch!