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Dominique nique nique
Feb 4, 2013
My chin makes this noise every morning when he's supposed to be asleep, I don't know if he does it while sleeping or if he's awake

I read that this is the alarm call? but the strange this is that he makes this sound either in the morning while he's sleeping or in the evening almost night, when he's alone in the room and everything is very quiet.

I thought he might feel lonely because whenever he starts making that sound, I instantly call him or make a sound myself and he stops and doesn't do it again until the next day. Could that be the reason or is he alarmed by something?
It's possible he hears something you can't or he is trying to get your attention. If you think he is lonely, try to spend a little more time with him if you can.
Something could have scared him. (Or he might just be trying to get your attention) Remember that chins have much better hearing then us. They can hear well past just the house they are in.
Thank you for your responses. He actually just made the sound right now, he lives in my room in a big cage and my bed is next to him. It is super quiet outside (but probably there was something I couldn't hear) I wasn't making any sound either and just as he made the call I made some noise and he stopped. He might be trying to get my attention, I hope he isn't really alarmed, I will try to spend even more time with him, hopefully he won't feel sad/upset/alarmed anymore.

There's this other sound he makes when he sees me, he starts jumping making this sound I can't find anywhere and looks like he is wagging his tail, to me it sounds excited, reminds me of a dog when he's happy because you just arrived. I was reading about tail wagging and it says they do that when they want to mate. He's around 2 and a half years old, I don't want him to feel lonely, or needy lol. I work at home and I spend a lot of time with him and I also talk to him, greet him and say goodbye when I leave my room. Does he want a chin partner? Is there something I can do (since I can't have a female chin)?
LOL I just played that while sitting in the chin room. Now they are all running on their wheels and giving me the stink eye. They are not happy. Yes that is the alarm call and could be in response to an unknown noise. As he get used to the sounds around him, he will stop doing that. He my still do it in his sleep when he is dreaming.

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