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Well-known member
Aug 5, 2011
Hi everyone I am new to the forum and new to chins. I don't have one yet and still researching. I have a decent amount of questions that I hope you guys could help me with. I did try searching 3 forums so far and using Google but I kind of suck at finding things so if the answers are right in front of me I apologize.

1. What kind of questions should I ask a potential vet? I used to have rabbits so I have learned that there is a big difference between a vet that sees an exotic animal and a vet that knows said animal. I'd like to weed out the ones who just sees them before I acquire the chin.

2a. How should I go about introducing myself to a breeder in the first email/phone call? Should I lay out my life story so they get the entire picture? Just a short "hey I'm interested"? I know I'm just being paranoid but I don't want to come across as forced or just putting on a display with ill intentions. Would it be too much to ask to visit in the initial conversation?

2b. What are some less than obvious warning signs that I should walk away from the breeder? I have 2 in mind, 1 about 20 minutes away and the other is 1.5 hours away. I found them listed on a directory on another chin site and forum searches haven't found anything bad but I'd like to know anyway.

And...I had more questions but now that I'm actually typing it all up I forgot haha.
Welcome. Try using the search function on the forum. Some people say it's confusing, but I've had the best luck with using 1-2 word phrases :)

1. What kind of questions should I ask a potential vet? I used to have rabbits so I have learned that there is a big difference between a vet that sees an exotic animal and a vet that knows said animal. I'd like to weed out the ones who just sees them before I acquire the chin.

I'd ask if they've done a lot of work with chins, do they have the equipment to use gas anesthesia, small enough tools to work with in their mouths. Ask them what kinds of issues they've treated chins for.

2a. How should I go about introducing myself to a breeder in the first email/phone call? Should I lay out my life story so they get the entire picture? Just a short "hey I'm interested"? I know I'm just being paranoid but I don't want to come across as forced or just putting on a display with ill intentions. Would it be too much to ask to visit in the initial conversation?

Keep it pretty short in your initial email. Breeders/ vendors get TONS of inquiries that usually end up going nowhere. They don't know you yet so don't offer your 'life story' unless asked for it. See what their policies are about purchases/deposits/vists etc. Many breeders don't let people into their breeding area because of how quickly germs can spread, and kill their herds. Be 100% honest with them. If you don't know a lot about chin care ask the breeder questions. Be open to learning.

2b. What are some less than obvious warning signs that I should walk away from the breeder? I have 2 in mind, 1 about 20 minutes away and the other is 1.5 hours away. I found them listed on a directory on another chin site and forum searches haven't found anything bad but I'd like to know anyway.

And...I had more questions but now that I'm actually typing it all up I forgot haha.

If they don't show their chins be very cautious. Again, showing doesn't always mean they're good either. Ask about the pedigree of the chin you are purchasing. Most good breeders will breed back to standards quite often, so your chin should have several standards in their recent lines. I'd be leary of a chin with mostly mutations in their lines.