Lethargic Chin

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May 29, 2013
Help! My chin is in the middle of bonding with a male chin. Right now I have separated them as she seems really lethargic and not her normal self.

She moves like it takes her a lot of effort to do so. She also seems to lose her balance sometimes.
Did you quarantine your new addition before doing the introductions? Is the male neutered? Is your female eating, drinking, pooping, etc. normally? Have you noticed a drop in weight? When a chin goes downhill they can go downhill really fast. If in doubt, take your chin to a vet with a good deal of experience working with chins.
Just came back from the vet, she was given a dexason injection at the clinic and I brought back home an antibiotic to be mixed with sugar syrup for medication to be given once a day.

The vet said she either had a head trauma which is causing a brain inflammation (hence the dexason injection to reduce inflammation) or it might be a deep ear infection as she can't get her balance up right now. It will take her about 1-2 days or more for her to get back her balance.

Right now I'm putting her in a small cage so that she doesn't attempt to jump and so that food and water is close by. I have crushed up pellets and hay for her food and used a small bowl for water instead of the normal water bottle.

She's now resting on her left side with her eyes still open. I hope she can get some rest soon.
Hi, I'm currently feeding her water through a syringe. May I know how much water I should feed her a day?

P.S She drinks fine when I assist her through the syringe.
Steroids are contraindicated in chinchillas and should never be used unless its in the eye.
A mixture of food that is the consistancy of a thick milkshake is enough water for a chin, syringe feeding water has risks such as aspiration pneumomia if the syringe feeding of the water is not done correctly.
She isn't improving and I brought her back to the vet for another consultation. We are official giving her aggressive treatment and preparing for the worst. No pus from her ears so deep ear infection has been cancelled out. Head trauma would be the most probable cause.
Hi guys, my chin didn't make it. Was holding her to feed her some glucose when she took her last breath and passed on. We're settling her cremation matters now. Guessed I won't be able to bond my new mosaic chin with her anymore.

My initial intention was to get another chin as chins live for ten or more years and I wanted joey to have a companion. Now that she's gone and I have Gary, I think I've decided to just be his companion for his life. Don't think I am in the right mindset now to get another chin.

Joey 25-12-2011 to 18-6-2013.

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