Klinger's Eyes & Dust sensitivity

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TSC carriesit as well. Normally its out side around here.

Glad hes improving!
One more update!

I have had Klinger for over year. He came to me thin and skittish and I honestly never thought he would come around.

After 14 months of intensive work with this gorgeous little sapphire, i am happy and quite proud to say that I weighed him last night and he was 551 grams! almost a 200 gram gain. i am also excited that he is often seen out of his house, now comes to the front of the cage and last night allowed me to pick him up without a fight.

i am so happy that i never gave up on him. it just goes to show that every chin is different and with enough love & dedication, even the most standoffish chins can come around!

next time he is out for playtme, i will have to try & get a pic of him......so cute!
Michelle, I am glad to see Klinger came around.

Any updates on Oreo??
Sure! Oreo is doing wonderful. He has also gained a nice amount of weight and has been quite friendly lately. Him & Klinger are the 2 chins that come out the least. maybe only 2 times per week. Oreo has a wheel in his cage that he is on all day! I will be changing liners this weekend, so I promise to get pictures of them both! He is a real cutie and very happy. Thanks for letting me adopt him. :)