kits and supplement?

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Well-known member
Dec 18, 2009
Mechanicsburg, PA
Just curious..

I know kits can't have treats until 6 months so I was wondering if that also means I can't give them Ryerson's supplement?
I wouldn't give them a lot of it. Maybe a pinch a couple times a week, not the full teaspoon. I don't give my chins any supplement at all, neither adults nor kits, and they do fine without it.
I agree with Peggy. Chins don't need a whole lot past pellets, hay and water. Baby chins are adorable and we all want to spoil them as much as possible, but if they don't need it I don't give it to them.
If you really want to give kits a treat they can have a little piece of shredded wheat (just a couple of strands from the end of one) - they usually like it & it's not going to do them any harm.
Ok, I'll hold off on the supplement until he's older. Whenever he gets settled, i'll give him a tiny piece of shredded wheat maybe once or twice a week so i can at least do a little bonding with the little guy :). I don't want to over do it unless you feel shredded wheat or even the oats from the supplement every few days is ok.

Sorry for all the new threads i've been starting lately.. this is my first very young kit and I want to make sure I do everything right. I've read alot but it never hurts to double check i guess :).