Kidney failure. Looking for ideas. (long)

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Well-known member
Dec 18, 2009
Houston Texas
In February, I received 6 female chins out of a hording situation. There had been 21 chins of mixed sexes crammed into 3 small filthy cages. All 6 were under weight (less than 400 grams). One of them got a really bad roll of the genetic dice. She only weighed 335 grams when I first got her and is alarmingly thin. After 4 months, I have not been able to get her to gain any weight. She eats very well and her poops are normal. Took her to the vet and found out that she has a couple of obvious congenital defects.

First, she is missing the upper back molars on both sides. Her roots are fine, the teeth are straight and she seems to be able to keep the chewing surfaces free of points. Her incisors are a little bit crooked but she manages to keep them trimmed down OK.

Her blood work showed moderate elevations in the kidney factors. Her kidneys are noticeably smaller than normal and are not functioning as well as they should. Her liver function is normal.

She is a happy, friendly, very active chin who seems to have adapted well to her defects. Her age is unknown but the vet thinks she can go on living with them for a long time and maintain a pretty good quality of life.

I'm adjusting her diet to try to compensate for some of the problems and I'm looking for more ideas to help improve her nutrition and hopefully get some weight on her. Currently, she is getting watery Critical Care on a dish twice a day to try to improve both her fluid and calorie intake. She is free fed softer 2nd cut Timothy hay, alfalfa and Oxbow chin pellets that I puff up so they are easier to chew. Suggestions for possible supplements are welcome.
Since the liver is ok, I would add some Lifeline to her diet also for the extra protein from the alfalfa-syringe feed it or if she can eat it loose alfalfa. Was there a x-ray done of the teeth? I have to wonder about the other teeth, was the loss due to a connective tissue issue, rotten teeth, just never emerged, periodontal disease, Vit C even though its a controversial issue may be a good idea, some rose hip powder added to her wet mix.
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Yes I have good xrays. The teeth just never grew. There are kind of empty sockets where they should have been. It surprised the vet and the dental expert that she keeps the surfaces of even the unopposed teeth in such good shape and that they don't grow funny. She has been this way for years evidently and has managed to keep everything sorted out in her mouth. I'll try to get the files to open on my computer and then I can send it to you. Very interesting configuration in her mouth.
I had one whose teeth fell out, most of them. They were congenitally malformed, most likely the vet said due to the malnutrition of the mother. The chins teeth may be "dead" and not growing which helps out the issue immensely. I think I would just find a soft feed she likes and can eat herself and just let her be.
Can't get the files open. Sorry. That is the plan. She eats everything I put in her cage but I am going to make everything as easy to chew as possible. She will remain with me for the rest of her life.

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