Just a Cutesy Story Other Chin Lovers Will Appreciate

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Sep 21, 2011
Madison, WI
So I've now had Henry for about a month so now he's around 7 months old. He's been settled in for awhile, I think it's due to the fact that I live in an efficiency and it's generally just me here. I let him wander for long periods of time while I do homework so he pretty much just mosey's around my apartment (adorable banking off the walls) anyways....Tonight I went to give him a bath, and I just use an old kleenex box because he's kind of a chunker. I spread a sheet down to eliminate having to vacuum every single time he takes a bath because of dust everywhere. Well tonight when I spread the sheet over the floor he was running around it in circles and squeaking with joy. It was maybe the cutest thing I've ever seen. (Well besides the video of apple chill axing on youtube because let's face it when a chinchilla acts like a cat that'd be awesome!)

Anyways, hoping people are having similar experiences with their new Chins, and love them as much as I love Henry! :)
I love Babies, they are so sweet and funny. I have a 6 month old, and last night he was running circles round his cage (having dive-bombed his way past me), he was jumping on stuff peeping at the top of his little voice for no reason in particular other than loving the fact he'd outsmarted me as usual...
awww ariana! that sounds adorable! my boys just make a beeline for the dust bowl when i put it down like ungrateful little kids being let loose in a ball pit, lol!
if theirs one thing my chincs learned, its what their dush houst is for. One look at that and they will start going crazzzzy in intispation :D