It's... weird.

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the dreamer
Feb 25, 2010
South Central PA
I listen to a lot of music, as lots of people do. About two months ago or so, though, my music experience changed. When I'd listen to various artists, I'd get random tastes in my mouth. Eventually I realized that the tastes were corresponding to the artist I was listening to. I was listening to "Simple Man" by Shinedown when I realized I was tasting the voices. It has been growing stronger with each passing week to the point where now whenever I listen to any music at all, or any person singing, I can taste it. The other day I was listening to Korn and I actually started drooling because Jon Davis' voice tastes like delicately sour pears. Some bands I listen to more than others lately because I like the way their singers' voice tastes.

I'm thinking about asking a doctor about it, but I don't want them to think I'm crazy. Does anyone have any thoughts? Maybe I am crazy?
I've heard of things like that. I'm a biologist and a science geek, so I read a lot of journal articles and watch a lot of science-y TV shows. I believe it's called synesthesia. Some people hear colors, taste sounds, or identify numbers or letters as inherently one color or another (5's are red, 8's are gray, etc).

Personally I'm fascinated by it. I would definitely mention it to the doc. Probably not much you can do to 'fix' it, but worth noting.