Is this safe?

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No, definitely not. Nuts and seeds aren't good for chins, and neither is fruit (way too much sugar). Unfortunately, most commercial treats that are marketed for chins aren't healthy for them at all.

My chin enjoys dried rose hips, rose petals, chamomile flowers, and lavender. Those are much healthier treat options, just make sure they're dried and organic (though should still be offered in moderation, not more than a couple times a week or so).
Thank you, I returned it to the store. Unfortunately, I’ve noticed a lot of foods marketed for chins are not good for them.
Thank you, I returned it to the store. Unfortunately, I’ve noticed a lot of foods marketed for chins are not good for them.
Yeah, it's unfortunate, but virtually all mass-produced "chinchilla treats" sold in pet shops are not at all good for chins. You're better off sticking with specific dried plants and herbs.

Here's a list of some things that are safe to give them as an occasional treat:


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