Is one sex more cuddly?

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My kids have 4 feety's
Feb 1, 2009
I am wondering if anyone knows if one sex is cuddlier than another? I thought I heard that boys are, but I am hoping someone has some experience with this. Thanks! :heart3:
Totally depends on the chin. I have some females here that are attention grabbers and some that aren't, same with the males.

Very few chins are truly "cuddly" though. If that's what you are looking for, a dog or a cat might be a better choice. Chins are mostly chinavion - great fun to watch, but more of a spectator sport. :)
Thanks for the reply! I do have chins already and one of the females likes to be held a lot. She jumps into my arms and likes to be wrapped up in a sweater and swaddled like a baby and pet on her headI thought perhaps one sex more than another was this way. Thank you for clarifying
I have 1 male that loves attention and one female that loves attention. The other male and female really don't care. Each chin is different.
I have 2 brothers, one love his mama but only if she doesn't mess up his beautiful fur (because he must spend hours on it...) The other, Rigel, loves to be held, pet, whatever. In fact, he runs up to the very edge every time I walk by...he's a HUGE mama's boy.
I have one female that will fall asleep in my lap for up to 2 hours at a time and another female that will maybe sit still through a commercial if I'm lucky (on high alert the whole time). It's as though one craves affection and the other tolerates it. As others have stated, each chin has a unique disposition.
Well I find my girls to be more skittish. Our youngest girl will sit on my shoulder though. Our boys are more curious and interested. They would sniff my hand from day 1 but the girls it took a lot of coaxing.
It seems like my males are friendlier and my females are moodier. Any fights that break out at my place are almost always with females. They definitely run the show around here. Maybe that's why my males are friendlier.... they are hoping to get me on their side to protect them from the girls:thinking:
I really don't think it's a cut an dry case of male or female. I have 8 chins and have very friendly males, but also have very friendly females. Of the 8 chins I only have 2 who are real snugglers. I have some that love scritches and attention while in their cage but hate to be held. I also have one who will bite, spray and kack at you the whole time in her cage, but once she's outside and you're holding her she's very loving and kind.
I, too, have some bipolar chins like Lan63 has. I only have one that really doesn't want to be held and that's because she wants to get down on the floor and run.
I have had both genders and my males were "friendlier" than the females. Most of the time we went in their cage, whether it was about their food/treats/hay/water, they annointed us.