Is fleece necessary?

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Jan 19, 2015
Pittsburgh, PA
Hi all! Just adopted my little man Oliver today and I was wondering if I would be able to give him an old shirt that I slept in so that he could get accustomed to my smell. He's still pretty nervous (which I hope is normal) and I want to do anything I can so that he feels safe. Thanks!
Fleece is the only chin safe (or as close as you can get to chin safe) fabric since it does not shred or fray like other fabric if chewed on a little. However even with fleece if they chew it it needs to be removed. A small amount if swallowed normally passes without a problem, so you can remove it before too much is eaten. Also even if it's a fleece shirt it would also pose a problem of the thread holding it together being accessible and swallowed, thread can cut right through guts. That being said though, chins aren't like cats and dogs in terms of smell, since he is new to you your smell wouldn't be comforting yet.
The best thing to do to make him feel safe would be letting him be, just sit near watching, and talking to him. Also, if you haven't already, get a hidy house, those help a lot by giving him somewhere to hide. It takes most chins at least a week to get use to a new home.
None of my chins have been able to have fleece. They all chewed it, and even fleece when chewed is dangerous.
I wouldn't give any other kind of material either, as the risks of ingestion leading to impaction are just too great.

Amethyst is right: talking to him quietly and just being near him will help him feel safer :)