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New member
Dec 3, 2012
I've had my 2 month old mosaic for about 2 weeks now. Everything has been great, i love him and take care of him well. However, about 3 nights ago, while i was asleep he started making a noise like a squeak toy. He has never made this noise since i've had him. It was rather loud, considering how quiet he usually is and he has never been vocal at night before. The next day he made the same noise around 11. I became concerned and looked up what it could mean, and after looking around for a bit i found it was probably a call for company or to see if another chin was around. I've considered getting my second chin since i have had my first, but since the other night i am sure i will pick up my second. My cage is plenty big, and it would be easier to bring in a second sooner rather than later. It will be a young male as well; i have no plans on breeding or neutering either so young. I need tips from any owners with experience on doing this fast! I am not a hardcore chin owner; i only have one cage. In an extreme emergency i can go buy a rabbit cage to separate them, but i need to house them together ASAP
You will need to do a 30 day quarantine before you can introduce them to each other. During the 30 days the new chin will need to be in a separate cage and a separate room. After that you will still need 2 cages set up side by side for a while ( it could be weeks of even months) so that they can get used to each others presence.

You can not just put the new chinchilla into the current ones cage. They will fight, possibly to the death.
The squeaking is a bark or warning call ....chinchillas do it for all kinds of reasons....when they hear a noise,a car passing, some movement in the house , some do it in there sleep ..some do it if they want attention... some do it just because like mine,
you can not introduce another chinchilla fast because of quarantine...and there could always be chances you may have two barking chinchillas in separate rooms and separate cages so be prepared for that too.
You will need to do a 30 day quarantine before you can introduce them to each other. During the 30 days the new chin will need to be in a separate cage and a separate room. After that you will still need 2 cages set up side by side for a while ( it could be weeks of even months) so that they can get used to each others presence.

You can not just put the new chinchilla into the current ones cage. They will fight, possibly to the death.

I got my second chinchilla, a two month old beige female. I got a small temporary cage, complete withbrand new dish and water bottle, and brought her home. I did not follow any kind of quarantine procedure or any of that silly stuff. I put her in her cage to relax as soon as we got home. It was located in the same room as my other chin, in the opposite corner. By the time she was put away, he was up and active and looking around. He smelled her on my hand when i was close, and this made him very eager and borderline wild and onery. I decided to place her cage near his and they both approached the bars and stuck their noses out and made soft whimpering sounds. I couln't take it any longer and pushed the cages together. They sniffed and cooed for minutes. I decided it would be okay if i opened the cages..
After spending the day together playing and exploring they are now sleeping together, in the same cage. Cuddling. I'm not sure why anybody would confine a chinchilla for a whole month alone and then weeks in a different room when company is available.. Perhaps you might need to try nicer methods with your new chins. The store i bought her from said she has been really stressed out and has even shown signs of some loose, green poop. She has been eating hay by the pound today and all poops i have seen have been small, hard and black. I feel like with chins this young they just need the company, especially since both of them were used to having multiple chinchillas around
The quarantine isn't to be mean and keep the chin unsocialized. It's so that any illness the new one may have doesn't get transported to the existing chin. Loose green stools maybe a sign of some sort of illness that you may have just passed onto your other chin.
These chins should not be in the same cage, especially if they are that young. A boy and a girl will mate and your girl is too young to be getting pregnant. She could have complications and die, or the kits could die. Pet store chins should never be bred.
The recommendations that people on this forum make are for the health and safety of the chinchillas not to be silly or cruel. Some of the people that post here have had chinchillas for likely longer than you have been alive. If you want good information you will find it here, if you want to post about how you aren't following any of that advice it probably will not go over very well.
Wow - there is just soooooo much wrong here I guess we can only hope that you are a troll and do not in all honesty own any chinchillas.
Please seporate the chins and start your research all over. Never cage opposite sex chins together that young, pet store chins shouldn't be bred and the green loose stools that come and go is a common sign of parasites that your male now likely has.
The quarantine should have been followed. It is possible for both chins to die now from some illness that one passed on to the other...second, just because they are getting along fine right now, doesn't mean that they won't turn on each other, with serious injury or death. Lastly, a female and male should never be put together unless breeding is intended and their pedigrees/backgrounds have been proven. Not to be too harsh on you, but you have really done everything wrong here.
All I have to say is wow.
If you have no intentions on breeding your chins that were obtained from a pet store, then why would put a male and a female together?
I certainly am no expert on chins.. But I'll be the first to admit that it is COMMON KNOWLEDGE that one male + one female = more males/females. To top that off, too, it is obvious that pet store ANY pet store animal is not of breeding quality.. Unless there is a 'certified' breeder that has been proven to produce top quality chinchillas...then it just isn't going to end well. And to be honest, I don't think any good breeder would sell a male or female to somebody who is obviously inexperienced and planning on putting that chin in the same cage as the other chin of opposite gender is already in... WITHOUT quarantine!

I'm really sorry if this came off as rude; things like this just REALLY irritate me!

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