Intoducing/Boding 3 females

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Burnt Offering

Well-known member
Jan 20, 2014
Wasilla, Alaska
Hey gang, been doing a site search and have found out a lot of great info about my question. Just a tiny bit of background. I have two female chins in a HUGE home built cage you could fit a herd of cattle in. I have it separated down the middle and chin on each side. Reason? They both are very aggressive and will tear each other to shreds if they ever got together. Up till now its been fine and I haven't worried about it as I let them out separately to play. However the dynamic has changed. A friend called and said she had another friend that had a chin that needed rescuing. So I went and picked up the chin. Another female in really rough shape. She came with a huge 2 level cage. I have pretty much spoiled her rotten and am glad to say she has a light in her eyes now and is doing great. Glad to have her and she is a little honey. I would LOVE to get them all in one cage. Can I do the whisker cut and smoosh method with three female chins? What would be the best recommended method to get them all in one cage? Thanks in advance!
Personally, I would not. If your first two were that aggressive that you couldn't house them together, I wouldn't attempt it now. It's not worth the risking and I wouldn't feel comfortable.

Trios are also tricky... Many times, existing pairs are ruined when a third is added and you end up with three separate cages anyway.
I agree 100% with 'Smidgeyy' - please don't do it. With aggressive females never try to put with another chin. It will be the death of one or all
Thank for the advice. I absolutely will not do it. The very last thing I would want is for anything to happen to any of them. I have more than enough resources to house all three I just would like to at least get them into one cage. I have attached a picture of my larger cage. I have it partitioned in the middle. I have the two aggressive chins in this cage one on each side. Would it be worth a try to do the smoosh method with the new chin and one of the others so I can at least two of them in one side of the cage? Again, the ultimate goal being getting them all in this cage. If two share a side then that would be just fine. Thoughts?

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