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the dreamer
Feb 25, 2010
South Central PA
There's a pet store near-ish my house, where my friend Monty works. It's a locally-owned store, and they breed their chinchillas (and most of their animals) in house. I've had a lot of problems with their methods in the past, but yesterday something really sad occurred.

This past Sunday, one of the breeding pairs produced triplets. He never separates the breeding pairs. :( But anyway, I was looking over the kits and noticed that one wasn't doing so well.

He (I didn't check the sex) was much weaker than the other two, and didn't fight when I scooped him up. He was thinner also. I was looking over him and the whole left side of his head was all torn up! I thought maybe momma was getting a little excited in her grooming, but none of the other kits were torn up. I deduced that perhaps momma wasn't making enough milk, so the kits were fighting, and this little guy was losing out.

The owner was there yesterday, so I went up to him and told him what was going on. He just shrugged and said "Okay". I offered to hand raise this baby and bring it back when it was weaned so that it wouldn't die. He said "Nah, I think we'll be all right."

I know from past experiences that this jerkwad doesn't give a flying care about any of the rodents, and I'm 90% certain that poor bub is going to die. And he's just going to let it happen!

I know I'm not the most knowledgeable person in the world about baby chin care, but I've read enough on this forum to know a lot more than your average bear and I know that people here would help me raise that kit.

It just upsets me so dang much that that poor little kit is probably going to die and that guy is going to do nothing about it. Gahhhhhh.
Maybe it would give him incentive to get the animal some vet care if animal control came to visit? Just saying its an option. Then they could investigate his general care of all the animals as well.

Edited to add: I think you're absolutely right that the kit is better off in inexperienced hands that are at least willing to try and save it than letting it die as the owner seems inclined to do.
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That is an incredibly sad situation, and I think that you are right about the owner. If he really cared, the chins would be in a totally different environment and would be properly care for and addressed when emergencies come up. I really hope this kit is a fighter, because it sounds like he is going to have to win this fight on his own. I agree with above, though, maybe animal control should be contacted...
So sorry to hear about this. :( What a terrible situation. Like the other posters said, I wonder if there is some agency that could do something about it. Sounds like the owner doesn't care at all. I hope this little guy can hang on...
I agree with the above posters. If he can't properly care for the chinchillas then he doesn't deserve to have them.
If he doesn't treat his right I can only imagine what he tells the people who buy them.
I would call animal control.
I hate things like this and it makes me very sad. Isnt there anyone it can be reported to, to me its animal cruelty and its sad because the aminals dont deserve it :(
i say call animal control, or whatever organization handles the mistreatment of pets/animals in your area. and call them right away! poor chins :( since this guy doesn't separate his chins, you have to imagine the number of breedbacks happening, and the poor stressed momma chins!
My first instinct was "steal it". That being said, calling an animal welfare group would be way less illegal.

The baby is still alive, somehow. She only has half of an ear at this point though. Turns out Mom is a little... enthusiastic. "DogEar" is female, the other two babies are male. One of the males has a moderate case of nibbled ears, the other wasn't touched. They are all doing (relatively) well. They're pretty chubby, all with nice full bellies when I was there. Clean and fluffy, active with bright eyes, they squeal when you hold them.

They are super friendly, but all of the babies from this particular pair are. So... yay that the baby didn't die.