I feel like I must be forgetting something...

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Haha thanks dannilinn! Granite at home depot is only like 2 dollars for a square foot and chinchillers are like 8 bucks. So I went with the cheaper methond and did the whole cage! Haha. Makes the drop pan underneath the cage kinda pointless though :p
thanks, ChinnyMom. i didn't realize-i think i saw them on a CnH approved vendor's site. (think i should tell her?)
i know i'm going to be at my mom and dad's most of next weekend, so i printed out a picture of the SuperJunk Hay Manger so me and Dad can put our heads together and redesign.
Brian, i can put together a few things, but i am so lucky to have my dad--he was a carpenter for 40+ years before he retired, and he made Jonesy's cage for $120 in materials (including the beer for our neighbor who built the steel pan). i showed him pics of the QC and some of Jones' breeders' cages, and he just went crazy genius from there--it took him +60 hours to get it exactly how he wanted it (complete with newspaper headline taped to it, reading "Animals belong in the wild").
he couldn't stand the thought of my little guy feeling cooped up, so her cage is 2' by 3' by 4' (height). i really should spend more time with the old man in the garage before he gets senile! ;)