How Can I Get Two Females To Get Along?

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Jul 23, 2015
I have two female chinchillas I am planning to breed to my 1 year old male once they are 1 years old, well I have 3 different cages for them all and It would make it 100 times easier if I could get my two females in the same cage. I let them out together and my youngest female doesn't normally start anything but my older female will randomly attack her. (not drawing blood or hurting her) she just pulls fur. I need them to start getting along so I can tend to them at the same time rather than 3 different cages, and also their cages are taking up the room lol. Any advice?
Also on a side note, where might I be able to find out where to buy cheap breeding runs or can someone give me the info on how to make one and around how much it would cost? I have all of the collars for the females just can't find any breeding cages around me that have runs in them. (I live in Louisiana)
-If anyone has information to help me, I don't normally check this website so if you think you can help me, please email me at [email protected]
They may never get along :( It all depends on the personality of the individual chin. I only have one chin so I can't share any personal experiences, but I know it's typically a slow process.

Assuming that they've already been quarantined from each other for a month (so as not to pass any illnesses) people normally start off by having the cages close to one another for a couple of weeks, so they can interact and get to know each other without the risk of a fight.

I've also heard of putting a cage within a cage, as well as putting the chins in a shared cat carrier and taking them for a car ride.

Also, it's best to thoroughly clean the cage that they will both be staying in, so that there will be no scent of an individual chin, prior to putting them both together in there.

If you have a double unit that can be blocked off, you could monitor them during the day and then separate them at night time and repeat for a little bit just until you're confident enough that they'e getting along.
Are your chinchillas pedigreed? Did the breeder say they were breeding quality? What is your goal with pairing these chins? Some chins are harder than others to pair due to personality. Pair breeding has a higher risk of injuries and deaths. Breeding runs are much safer since the females dont need paired and the male has a safe area to run away to
Yes, They are pedigreed. They are amazing quality. The problem is, I can't find any breeding runs around my area. That is what I eventually want to do.