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New member
Aug 7, 2011
Hi, my name is Jennifer. I'm new to this, so idk what to do but heard about this website from this girl who was on Answers.com. I typed in a question in the search bar and it took me to Answers.com and it showed that this guy was having almost the same problem with his chinchilla as i was having. Well, the girl who was talking to him referred him to this website and i decided to go too, because i love chinchillas and i have some quesitons about them. I've raised chinchillas for about 4 years now, but something new always happens that idk what to do. I've experienced some of the best memories with my chinchillas and some that are the most traumatizing... like my little silver and tan baby chinchilla, Almond, came down with pnemonia..... he died and it hurt so bad because we soo loving and caring and calm. i never had a chinchilla like him. Right now i've slowed down on the chinchilla buisness and have just one at the moment. His name is Ruth... because the female i had was named Baby, and i named him Ruth, soo, Baby Ruth. :) and he is brown with hundreds of freckles all over his ears, which by the way are huge ears and I believe he is over 5 yrs old. I love him so much. He's such a teaser though... haha.
I had a headghog for about 5weeks, and his name was Pretzel, but i had to give him up because he was not getting use to me and he was already fully grown and he kept being very anti-social, so i had to give him back to his original owner who breeds them. But i am going to buy a baby one so it will get use to me and it'll be easier to get use too. But i like them too.
and ya. sothat's something about me and my chinchillas. :)
Welcome to the forum! You should definitely read the hedgehog side if you are looking to get one, it will help you to understand what to expect from a hedgehog so the next time will be different.

Welcome! You are sure to find the answers you need here!