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Jun 27, 2011
My chinchilla is under my dresser and is refusing to come out. I have tried everything to get him out if anyone has any idea as to how I should get him out please let me know.
Try putting his dust bath right in front of the dresser, then sit back and wait. When he jumps in, scoop him up.

If that doesn't work, or you already tried, then try putting his favorite treat out there - some hay, some cubes, a cheerio, etc.

Is his cage able to be set on the floor in front of the dresser? Can someone help you move the dresser and someone grab him when you do?
I have tried treats and that didnt work but ill try the dust bath and moving the cage thanks for your help.
When Lola got stuck in the chimney i spent two hours trying to coax her out. After taking out half of the fire place i had to squash a goji berry on my finger and sort of get her to smell it, when she got close enough to the gap my bf had to tap her bum to get her completly out. Good Luck with the cheeky chinnie :)
Take your time, close off the doors to the room, and make sure any dogs or cats can't get in. Hopefully the dust trick works.
you could shove something under the space, slowly filling up the space under your dresser from back to front, so he has no choice but to come out. a bunch of hand towels would work. and then find something to block off under the dresser before next playtime so you don't have to get him out from under there again. the desk i have in Rhino's room has small spaces under each side and although i don't think Rhino is small enough to fit under there, i shoved a couple towels in so that i wouldn't ever have to worry about lifting a 200 pound desk, lol.
Curious and I know everybody's dresser is different, but can you take your bottom drawer out from your dresser and get to your chinnie? Some dressers have no bottom besides the drawer.
I just got a chinchilla and just experienced the exact same thing! I had to move the dresser flush against one wall, then use towels to block off one side (so by now, two side are blocked off.) Make sure your in a small area that is barracked with cardboard or something so when he/she runs out, she doesn't have anywhere else to go. I used her cage as part of the new wall system :) Then I used one of those wooden bird perches and wrapped it in fleece to give it more volume. Stick that under the dresser, move swiftly to push her out and then immediately block off the other two entrances to the dresser. Now she should be out in the open :) It took me two hours to figure out this combo! Hope this helps

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