Help with baytril dosage??

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Jul 14, 2014
Hi, I have a chinchilla with a suspected UTI and the vet gave me baytril to give her orally. The vet isn't an exotic pet vet, so didn't know very much. The dosage on the bottle was .4 cc and I feel like that's a lot. What should I do? What's the average amount of baytril to administer for UTIs? Should I just give her .15 cc or something like that?
It depends on how the baytril was prepared. There are different mg dosages, and there is a tablet and injectable form. These are both commonly mixed with corn syrup or some other compounding liquid to make it more palatable, which means it could have been diluted. The mg of the baytril you have and hte dose all depends on these things. I would stick with the dosage prescribed or seek a second opinion from another vet.
Thanks for the replies. I contacted the vet I got the meds from and they said they talked to an exotic specialist about the dosage and that it was vanilla butternut flavored. I would take her to an exotic vet to get a second opinion, but there is none near me. The closest is about an hour away and I think that'd be too stressful.
The doses will vary depending on how it was compounded. 2mg/ml verses 10mg/ml.... It should list that on the label. Make sure you are also giving a probiotic. Baytril is know to cause chins to go off of their food so make sure you monitor her eating as well.
The bottle says 22 mg/ml, not sure what it means. I'll definitely monitor her eating and drinking.
Not exactly sure :/ She seems larger than a lot of chins I've seen before. Just gave her the first dose, but not sure how much actually went into her mouth lol
Thanks for the replies. I contacted the vet I got the meds from and they said they talked to an exotic specialist about the dosage and that it was vanilla butternut flavored. I would take her to an exotic vet to get a second opinion, but there is none near me. The closest is about an hour away and I think that'd be too stressful.

My chin vet is an hour away as well. My chins do fine with the trip. They usually sleep the entire way. :)
1 hour isn't so much. Here are many people who go to the next country to see a specialist with their chins... It is better than to go to a local one who has small experience...
Contacted other exotic specialists too and they said the dosage is fine, so hopefully it is. Gave her the first dose last night at 8:30 and the. This morning before I left. She ate well last night and ate a little of her hay and a cheerio this morning (that I saw).
Please check out a vet with exotic experience. We almost lost one of our dear little Chins due to the vet not understanding how bad baytril can be for chins. After much research for new vet and on meds in forums such as this, we found SMZ Sultratrim which is well tolerated by chins. II is good to follow with probiotics after a full round of antibiotic - especially if they had been given baytril

Baytril is extremely bad for chins and causes loss of appetite; significant weight loss; etc
Plus many vets dispense the injectable form to be given orally so the taste is just awful. Bet those vets have never tried tasting that concoction themselves or they would never dispense orally like that again.

It took us several months to find our current dr and she listens and Ginny is doing so much better. It is worth the drive for the right good vet. Hope this helps!
Baytril has its place, its a big guns antibiotic that is used when its death or use it. The problem is lots if vets throw it at any condition when a sulfa based antibiotic is more appropriate for minor conditions. Would I use a sulfa based antibiotic for a URI? NO, would I use it for a wound infection,Yes, a dental infection-no, batril with flagyl is a better proven choice, sulfa for a dental premed-yes. So to say baytril is bad period is incorrect.

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