
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2012
Hello everyone! I have really enjoyed this site, it has been very helpful in my decision to purchase 3 male kits as the newest members of our family. I am picking them up on the 20th and can't wait! We are getting an ebony, sapphire, and a mosaic beige.

I have gotten their double critter nation cage put together, and am just waiting for the fleece liners and toys to arrive. Am very thankful for all the great information and resources on this site.

1st question what kind of water to give the chins, I have read no tap, but is filtered tap from the fridge okay, or is it best to use distilled water or spring bottled water?

2nd question I know the breeder told me no treats for 6 months, but does that include apple sticks and other wood chews that are chin safe?
Howdy and Welcome!!!

Water purified by reverse osmosis is OK for chins. I myself drink Dasani and use it for the chins.
Thanks for a warm welcome!

Another question I am taking my chins for an initial checkup that was also recommended by the breeder. What should I be expecting? And what should I ask?
I called ahead and was told that the dr has chinchilla experience.
Any suggestions on the vet question above? Taking them on friday would like to know what to expect/ ask. Thanks.
They sound like they're going to be beautiful! Please post pictures when you get them! I am graduating from college on the 20th!! Seems like an exciting day all around! :p Welcome :D