Hello, I am new here!!

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Well-known member
Aug 7, 2014
Lawrenceville, Illinois
Hello, my name is Kelly, I am brandnew here and I am planning on getting my first Chin in the next couple weeks. I am here to get advice on everything I will need and the best way to take care of my first chin. I will be 25 years old on the 22nd of August, and I have a 4 year old daughter who I have every other week. I currently share custody with my ex, so my daughter has both her parents in her life. I have a boyfriend, we live together and have been together 9 months come sunday, he is very supportive of having different pets, he is into exotic fish, and current owner of a Leopard Gecko Lizard named Elroy
What are your questions?
Do you have a cage? If so, you can post a pic of your cage and supplies and we can make sure that it is all safe for your new addition to the family!