Hello from Virginia!

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Annie wants a raisin! <<
Aug 6, 2010
Hi there from Virginia! I am so glad I have found this site. I adore Chinnies, Hamsters, Hedgies, Rabbits.....basically, anything small fuzzy and cute!

My current "fur family" include Annabelle (Annie). She is the ruler of the roost! My oldest and set-in-her ways Chin. Annie is the Chin in my Avatar! She loves to boss around her little sister Gabrielle (Gabbie). They share a cage and for the most part get along very well....except when they both happen to want the same toy or treat, then it's every Chin for herself! Gabbie is a scardey cat...a bit timid and shy, but so very pretty.

Both of my girls are rescue chins. They came from a place where the living conditions were not exactly appropriate for Chinchillas. They were always locked up, and I think Gabbie was traumatized, which is why to this day she is so skittish. She has made huge improvents though, since she came to live with me and my family! The girls have been a part of my family since September of 2005, and the vet guess-timates their ages to be about 9 for Annie and 8 for Gabbie.

Next is Dude, my male Chin. He just turned 4! He is a black male with a pretty white tummy and a funny crooked, curly tail. I love him to pieces. He lives in his own seperate cage a few rooms away from the girls. The one and only time I tried to introduce him to the girls, they nearly attacked him, sooooooooooo, that was the end of that! lol!

Finally, is my dear little "Robo" hamster Twinkie! She has the honor of being among one of the smallest and fastest breed of hamster in the world. She is named Twinkie because she has a yellow coat and a white tummy ;)

It is great to have come across a site devoted to fellow chin lovers. I am looking forward to getting to know you all!
Hi Laura, Isabella and Claire! Thank you!

Laura, I'm in the Richmond area! Hi to a fellow VAer!