Green (stringy) Poop

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Jan 3, 2011
New York
My hedgehog has stringy green poop, I just got him like almost two weeks ago. When I first got him he ate a little then he stopped. He started eating again but now his poop is green, and stringy ( for lack of a better word) it also doesn't come out all the way so I have to clean it.
I just started giving him freeze dried meal worms but he had the green poop before I introduced them and so far I have only giving him two every other day. So I don't know if this is caused by stress from the move or the food or a more serious problem.
Right now, I'm scheduling an appointment with a vet but I wanted to see if anyone has experienced this before?
Do not feed freeze dried mealworms or limit them to one every few days. The freeze dried ones can cause a blockage as the drying process removes something that aids in digestion.

The messy poop is very possibly stress related and green is quite normal for any stress issue or tummy upset. I'd be more concerned about the stringy and it not coming out all the way. A vet visit is a good idea and have a fecal test done. Take some fresh poop with you just in case he doesn't produce a sample for the vet. You can use a sandwich bag to pick it up in.

Keep us posted. :)
Thanks so much I had no idea that the freeze dried ones could do that. And once I find out what the vet says I'll let you know.