Giant Wheel

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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super-duper hedgiepig
Jan 29, 2009
Oh my goodness...

I think we've all checked out the latest and greatest wheels for our chins and hedgies. Not so sure about the chin side of things, but one of the themes on the hedgie side is: "make it bigger! and safe too... but bigger!!!"

Today, I happened upon this wheel. 43" diameter!

I don't really have words right now... just so many questions... and... uh... wow... Cats? In a wheel?
I love the idea of this wheel for my cats and my dogs...I just don't think any of my cats or dogs would use it. I have a fat cat that could really use the exercise and my dogs are always full of energy...a wheel would be great for those times that going for a walk can't happen. I just don't know how you are going to encourage an animal to get into and what would motivate them to continually use it...

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