Getting Sick

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Jan 31, 2009
Holbrook, MA
I think I'm getting sick and I just felt like whining about it :p I'm so worn out and I slept 10 hours last night :p Sneezing all day. I just feel blah.

I hope the winter is over soon! For a short month, February is pretty drawn out!
if you take grapefruit seed and boil it into a tea and (I know it'c icky) get one of those tea-pot looking things that you pour up your nose it might clear you all up. I usually boil some tea with lemon and vinegar and do a steam facial (sit over it with a towel over my head holding in the steam) and clears me allll up...

good luck and I hope you feel better

I have the same bug. Sneezing like crazy. Coughing all the time. Blah. And I just started a new job and now I am going to be know as "God bless you" instead of Chantel!