Getting Nibbler back in his cage...

  • Thread starter EnslavedByNinjas
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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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oh yes I know. You can see it in his little chinny eyes too. It's like he has this whole devious thought process going on trying to figure out how to have the most play time while still being cute and then getting a reward too. heh and the entire time he's pretending to let me train him....

oh chinnie mischief....
Well, I can add the towel catching bit to things that worked once before Nibbler had it figured out. ;)

I went to take him to playtime yesterday and he wouldn't get in the dust bath if it was in my hand. He eventually managed to wriggle past me and off to freedom in the living room, evading me, a dust bath, treats, and a towel for about an hour and a half. Yaarrrrgghhh!

I'm really starting to get annoyed at Nibbler's freedom fighting skills. It really makes every time I reach in the cage a struggle to keep him in there, and every time he's out I spend the majority of the time in a battle to put him back. :(
Is there anyway you can put the cardboard around his cage for playtime?

We have a bunny who hates just hates to be caught. I solved the problem by putting her cage against a wall and when I wanted her to have free roam putting a playpen around her cage(the fence/walls of the playpen touched the wall the cage was against). There was no where she could go but in the area I had sectioned off. Then when it was time for her to go into the cage at night, I climbed over the fence and she would hop into her cage to stay away from me.

Oh and hi from another FL member. :)
Hi there! :)

Unfortunately his cage is next to the kitchen table, with chairs and the like that he's really good at hiding in. I really don't want to move his cage, I like that he's always within a degree or so of the thermostat when he's there, it's really close next to him. I think I just need some persistence. And patience. He's just really starting to stress me out. :D

I'm really thinking of taking away his playtime for awhile. :\