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So, as most of you know I'm waiting to adopt a chinchilla. I have to wait because my dad for some reason sees "No problem with me owning a pet" he just doesn't think its the right time? The right time to him is being a full time student with a part time job, which is what I've been doing, and he said at the end of the quarter if I had good grades I could get a pet of my own. So, I know I'm getting good grades, and being my first year of college I've been trying very hard to do well, so I prepared myself for owning a chinchilla.

Now, he wants me to wait until another quarter passes and I'm taking even more classes(and got the grades he wanted to see from this quarter), even though I'm full time already. I understand him wanting me to focus a lot on school, but I don't think a pet is going to hinder my ability to perform.

Anyways, the thing that makes me mad is the fact that I can't enjoy my new found joy in life. I've been suffering from depression for three years ever since I moved out of my moms and in with him, and I finally found something that makes me happy. He thinks I'm "obsessed" with chinchillas because I want to go to a show next weekend and I want to own one. I've done a lot of research on them because I want to be prepared for one. He shook his head and said "Figures." when I said I wanted to go to the show!

I just feel its rude that I find ONE thing the whole time I've lived with him and his family that I like and I'm called "obsessive". I never get what I want without having to perform to get it.

:/ sorry for the lengthy post I'm just angry.
I'm too much of a free spirit and moved out to go to school.
To me, that sounds just a teeny bit controlling. Like "this is what you should and shouldn't be doing with your time and this is what you should and shouldn't be interested in."

I figure that if someone is old enough to go to college, they are old enough to run their own life. How old are you btw?
Sorry to hear about they way your dad is treating you. Tell him to come with you to the show maybe he'll learn something about chins. It will be a nice outing for the both of you to get acquainted with people that have chins and especially the top ranchers. Maybe he just needs to know about them.

Good luck with your dad.
I'm 41 and have my own house and have been on my own since about 22 and I still feel like I have to prove myself to my Dad! I think some parents/people are like that. All you can do is be yourself and make your own way in life. Hopefully that includes owning a chin. While they do require lots of love & attention, I think they are a great pet and will not doubt make you "happy"! Good Luck

Sorry to be the spoilsport, but I'm a firm believer in "his house, his rules." You're old enough to move out if you don't like them.
Yeah, I had to wait until I moved out to get a chin. So what I did was saved up, and bought her a nice cage.
That stinks...but maybe you should look into moving out. If not, the saving up is a good idea.
Is he stopping you from getting all set up? If not, do the research on a cage and all the accessories you're going to fill the cage with, as that's part of the fun!
Plan and write down a "wish list" and maybe he'll see how serious you really are!
Breeder where you're getting the chin, colors, age, pedigree, phone #, closest exotics vet, emergency vet, phones, etc.
Cages, toys, supplies, feed, who's got 'em, contact info and prices!
Make a copy and leave it where he can "find it" - maybe he'll even surprise you!
Dad's can do that!
I totally agree with Tiatrack. It's his house, his rules.

Often when parents say no or not yet there is way more to it than just saying no. Who will be footing bills and will be paying for the chin and what it requires? Going to college, you couldn't be working more than part time so perhaps he is afraid of ending up having to pay for things this chin requires.

Where will the chin be living? If in the main part of the house, perhaps he doesn't want that. If in your room, what condition do you keep your room? If your room is a mess maybe he doesn't want anything else added to the mess. I'll also mention that your age groups idea of neat and parents idea of neat are often two different things. lol
Thank you guys for your support/advice (I'm 19 btw) and I do agree his house his rules, but he said he has no problem with me having it, he has no problem with me bringing anything in his house, he's just dangling it over me. I'd much rather him say "No it's my house" than to say what he's been saying. And I'm very responsible, my room is spotless (I'm the biggest clean freak ever) and I have a chores list longer than my college text books :/ He just wants me to focus on school and I am but I just don't understand why he thinks I'm responsible enough to own a pet, he doesn't mind it in his house, but he says to wait over and over and keeps changing dates. Whatever about owning a pet though, its not that that bothers me so much as him not letting me enjoy a hobby ever. Like I'm artistic he just discourages me drawing, he's just weird and its annoying :]

((and I'd love to move out but unfortunately my Dad decided to live in Los Gatos and San Jo is still pretty expensive :p I just moved here 3 years ago and don't have that many "room mate" quality friends.))

Oh and I did get my cage ready I made a whole little booklet of chin facts/safety stuff/made a budget chart and he says thats all good but to finish my quarter, and now I have and now its next quarter.
Well, at least you're off to a good start then. For now, I'd just say save, research and maybe even buy a few things to get ready...and maybe in a couple of months or so he'll change his mind, if not, maybe something will become available for you to never know!

Maybe when he hears all the stuff you have to say about chins...and all the things you're learning along the way...he might give in and even get interested. Good luck! :D
That sucks that he keeps putting it off. I got my first girl during college but i wasn't really too much home as i was in another state. I didn't really ask my parents about it though just told them the boyfriend and I were getting a chinchilla. I was asked about money and expenses for it and that was all. I never did move back home after I graduated though. Luckily they don't have any problems with me taking them home when I visit for longer periods.
Sorry you're having to keep waiting- when my hubby and I decided we wanted a chin we had to wait a couple of months until he was weaned and we still were going nuts!

Chins are totally possible with college and everything, even with a job.

I know what I'd be doing in your situation- moving! Granted, I've never been the patient type :p

good luck!

p.s. who says you need friends for roommates? it's been my experience that good friends make the worst roommates anyway :p browse the wanted ads!
Been there done that. I would say pick a color you really want, and wait for the "right" one...Then it won't seem like your dad is putting it off, it will just feel like you're waiting for the "right" chinchilla, the one that speaks to you, and the one that you see and say "THATS THE ONE" Maybe sit down and talk to your dad about your decision. Say, I'm willing to wait, but I'm not necessarily waiting for the next quarter to be over, I'm waiting to find the RIGHT chinchilla, and I want your permission that if I find the RIGHT one in the middle of the next quarter, that I can get it. If it happens after the next quarter, than so be it, but I'm going to wait until I find the RIGHT one, and I wanna know that when I do find it, that you will be okay with me giving it a loving him. Chinchillas make me happy, and the perfect chinchilla will make me even happier, so I'm willing to wait for the right one, but I want you to know that I will be searching for the right one, and I wanna know it's okay to buy it.
I'm actually in love with a chinchilla, :D he's like my soul mate pet lol if that makes sense, I got to finally meet him over the weekend. I'm just hoping he doesn't get adopted before my dad finally gives in.

That's partially why I've been so impatient :p
I don't think this is the correct answer really, but I would just go and get him without saying anything. Never failed me yet, just bring it home and it's hard to say no to a fuzzy face.
haha the funny thing is he probably wouldn't notice as he's never in my room, only problem is the cage I got is 5 levels (thanks aznmexaggie!) 4 ft wide and 5 ft tall, he hasn't seen it yet but my room's big and I'm trying to get permission for the chinchilla before he sees the cage so then I'll have it already lol.
Mom knows, but Dad doesn't know about 4 of the 8 Hermit Crabs, the three hedgies, or the new Gecko. The fish were in the living room 2 days before he noticed them. I moved home with a cat and a dog, which both stayed, but he didn't lnow they were coming. Then came another cat that just appeared. If it's in my room, he doesn't know. Better that way. Even my 5 year old knows who he can and can't talk to about which of the animals. Works here. The Hedgies cages are 3 levels high. I would say if he never goes in there, get all in when he's not around, set up, and move in. maybe he won't notice.