Front Leg Amputation - Update

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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2009
Edmonton, Canada
Hey everyone,

Just thought I'd update you all on Thistle's amputation story (see post below) since so many were concerned. After 4 months of infection, antibiotics and bandaging, Thistle's front leg was amputated on December 22. It was a hard decision but her leg ws intensely infected and huge and she had become resistant to the antibiotics.

She is doing extremely well, eating, drinking, pooping, peeing...and even tubing already. Every day she gets a bit more steady and through this entire 4 month process where she has been poked and prodded and put up with me giving her oral anitbiotics twice a day by syringe (not fun) she has never changed her sweet demeanour.

Thanks again for everyone's concern, I wish there was more information out there on tri-hogs (as does my vet!) but hopefully her battle will help others in the future as my vet is using her now as a bit of a case study and sharing the info with other vets.

Thanks again, Thistle and I appreciate having such a great community to turn to!
I am thrilled to hear she is doing so well. She certainly is a trooper. Give her lots of hugs and kisses for me.
Here are a few photos of my little tri-hog :) I hope they work!


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well she seems to be happy on three little paws. She seems grateful for not being in pain anymore.

she is pretty Nicole
This is very good news!! I am glad to hear that she is doing so well! What a brave hedgie!
Poor Thistle! I'm glad to hear she's doing so well! She's adorable, and I hope everything continues to go well for both of you! :cute:
Awww she's still adorable even as a little tri-hedgie :)
Hi everyone! Thanks for the support.

Turns out the leg was cancer (squamous cell) all along and the original biopsy in September was wrong...which meant 4 extra months of huge expenditures (by me), torturing of my hedgehog and spreading cancer so who knows what the future holds. A little bump on her head from a few months ago that was dismissed as an ingrown quill no needs to be revisited.

She is doing SO well though. Running about, she gets more steady by the day. She still loves tubing and burrowing and snuggling and she's not in pain anymore so that's a relief!

Thanks again everyone!
I'm so sorry it ended up being cancer but I'm glad she is doing so well.

Perhaps she will be like my Peaches. Peaches was diagnosed with an aggressive mammary tumour with a good blood supply and not all of the tumour was removed. She was 18 months old and her prognosis was poor. Peaches just about made it to her 5th birthday and died of a tumour in her head that pushed out her eye and went into her mouth. Still, she survived almost 3.5 years.

Sending prayers for Thistle.
The vet is actually really optomisitc about the cancer as because it was squamous cell and they removed the whole leg, not just the diseased part they also removed a good section of cancer free crossing my fingers for her.
I have a three legged hedgehog as well, her name is Aiyla. She does just fine without her leg. She eats normal and everything, she does sleep a lot though, I think I just have a lazy hedgie, because I know shes not hibernating, she wakes up and eats and stuff but then sleeps again lol.
I think the fact that Aiyla only has 3 legs makes her so much cuter!