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Apr 9, 2012
El Paso Texas
What do you guys recommend for food bedding toys really new to the chin world and want the best for my valek so what do you guys recommend ???????????
I've heard that Oxbox is a pretty good food, and Mazuri. I know oxbox can be found at most Petsmarts, not sure about Mazuri though, but I'm sure feed stores have both of them in bulk which is a lot cheaper.

As for bedding, I use fleece. I shake it outside every day and wash it every few days to a week. I've used aspen before, but that always made such a mess and was annoying to clean. Fleece is a lot cheaper!

Be careful with what you get your chin for toys! Being honest, most pet stores don't have toys that are safe for chins, even if they did they are so expensive imo. I don't have many toys for my chin right now, but I'll be ordering some online from Twilight Chinchillas, I'm super excited! Not much help there, sorry!

Be careful with what you give as treats. A single cherrio, shreaded wheat, rolled oat, or rose hip every once and a while is good. Not all at once!! My chin gets a single treat once or twice a week, I break them up into small bite sized peices so she thinks she's getting more then she is!

Those are just a few things I can think of off the top of my head.. not much help though.
where can i get fleece, im fairly new and so is my chin hehe he is 2 months lol so im trying my hardest to bond and make him like me lol
I use Aspen bedding, but Jess is right, it does make a mess! But then again...I prefer a quick sweep of the floor to a round of laundry!!
Fleece would definitely save you money though, as aspen can be quite expensive and it's not exactly re-useable!!

There are lots of great threads in this forum, full of info. Research is soooo important when you have a chin :)
You can order fleece items here on the forum. If you look in the items wanted section of the forum there's a list of people and what they sell. Food wise I'd recommend Oxbow, Tradition, or Mazuri. You can order Tradition or Mazuri off of people here on the forum. Oxbow and Mazuri you may find at local stores if you look around. If the store has any Oxbow or Mazuri products at all they may be able to special order you the chinchilla items even if they do not typically carry them. My feed store was able to do that for me. I use fleece bedding with litter pans filled with aspen bedding. I used aspen bedding and kiln dried pine before by themselves but they are quite messy. Bedding gets everywhere along with little poops. The fleece seems to help things stay in the cage a bit better. You chinchilla should also have plenty of fresh Timothy hay. I recommend Oxbow brand as it is one of the most easy to find and one of the best. You can get any of their varieties just introduce new types slowly, especially alfalfa. Toys you can order online from people on here. Natural wood chew toys are a favorite here, as well as lava ledges, loofah, and willow anything. Just make sure to check that the woods you offer are properly treated, no pesticides are used, and are chinchilla safe wood types.
I get my fleece at walmart. They have it discounted because it's "scrap fleece", meaning someone has already bought and cut the size they wanted and left the rest to be sold. It's in new condition, just smaller than the orginal size. No holes, weird cuts, or chunks missing, just a peice of fleece!

I bought a big peice that fit my cage for about 4$, I love the print on it too. Soild colors ususally run lower, I bought soild color scrape for $2.50. My chin loves her fleece!

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