first hedgie !

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Apr 9, 2012
El Paso Texas
first of all im very curios if they do any sort of tricks?? how old do they have to be so they can take a bath??? and how do i make him trust me ??????
They are really good at curling into a ball. I suppose that isn't so much of a trick as it is a natural defense mechanism. You can setup mazes/obstacle course for them to try and navigate. Generally, if there is any sort of cover Zuzu will try to climb in and take a nap. They can nap for abnormally long periods. I have tried teaching her to stand on her hind legs by holding a meal worm over her head. She does alright but usually gives up and runs around instead. Bathing age is at your discretion (probably not too young though). Trust will come with time and will take many months of consistant handling and TLC (tender loving care).
first of all im very curios if they do any sort of tricks??
Wheeling, pooping, and snuggling were my hedgies' best activities. Satin also liked to find mealies in her little plastic dump truck. She was so fierce!

how old do they have to be so they can take a bath???
Generally, unless your hedgie is a mess, I'd avoid giving him a bath. They are prone to dry skin and bathing just makes the situation worse. If you have a hedgie with messy feet, you can give a foot bath (like half an inch of warm... NOT hot... water) just about every day.

and how do i make him trust me ??????
Patience. Lots of patience. Keep a good schedule so he knows what to expect (like when you're going to pick him up). And try to respond to how he's acting. If he's up and exploring, great... scoop him up as needed. If he's a scared hissy quill ball, just sit with him on your lap without actively petting him... just holding him and allowing him to relax - you can use a small fleece blanket to make a taco-shape (like so it's both underneath him and over top of him) and just sit that way with him.

In retrospect... I think my hedgies' best "tricks" were to get me to do their bidding. Be careful, hedgies are like tiny quilled Jedi masters. Once you think you have it all figured out, they will change. Hedgies are nobody's fool.

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