Fight wounds

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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2012
Ok, so I posted in the Classified section earlier about a friend having to give up her 2 chins....

She lives kind of far from me so we meet up at her friends' house which is about the half way point between us.

I get there and the 2 chins are TOGETHER in the bottom half of a FN.

Supposedly she transported them in a cardboard box and they chewed through it so her friend told her to put them in the empty half of her FN.
There were 3 kids there YELLING near them, hitting the cage, putting their faces up to it and sticking their fingers through the bars.

Mind you, this is a MALE and a FEMALE that have always been caged separately...

When I go to check them out there is fur EVERYWHERE.

The male has a bald spot on his rump with Quite a few bite wounds. Nothing REALLY serious, but enough to worry me. He also seems just a little bit lethargic.

He's not acting shock-y though. I've been keeping an eye on him and he was eating hay last night. He is currently sitting on my lap right now (hiding under my shirt)

Is there anything I can do to treat the wounds?

I have to leave for work in about 30 mins, but I will be home within 6hrs from then. Hopefully I will have some advice to come home to :D

And yes, I totally gave my friend and her friend the Riot act.
I would treat him for shock - chins can go into delayed shock so it is always worth treating trauma as though the chin is in shock as a precaution.
The fact that the chin is showing bite marks and is quiet means he could very well be showing the first signs of shock.

Chin bites often cause tissue damage below the skin - you will need to keep a close eye on both chins and carefully check their bodies for more bite wounds. They may develop abscesses due to deep tissue damage.
Chin bites are also painful so he may be sore - no NSAIDS for now (it is not advisable to use Metacam on shocked chins) but keep a close eye on him.

In the meantime, I would provide a warm (not hot), quiet environment for the male and ensure he is eating, drinking, peeing and pooping ok.

I would leave the wounds for now and keep observing. Treating any shock is the first priority. Fluids are important so make sure he is drinking - if not it is worth giving him some fluids carefully (slightly more watered down critical care is an option).
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I just got home and checked on him.
He hadn't peed or pooped at all. Looks like he was eating a bit of hay, no pellets.

But while I was checking his cage for these signs I let him run loose in my bedroom/bathroom area. He was exploring just like any other chin would do, maybe just a little slower.

I offered him a raisin (I know it's a no-no, but I figured that any self respecting chin would eat one) to see if he would eat, and he did. He is back in his cage resting right now.
He needs to see a vet as I would strongly suspect he is in shock - he probably needs subcut fluids and some meds to help him now.

A chin which is not peeing or pooping is a poorly chin - see if you can get some critical care into him but a vet is necessary as well or you may lose him.
Ah crud, here we go again. I am NEVER taking a chin in for anyone ever again, just a few weeks ago I spent $100+ on a chin that someone gave me AS it was dying...

I HATE irresponsible STUPID people. I can't afford to keep doing this...

Ok, now I feel better... I'll see what I can do.
Went to the vet. They checked him over, cleaned the wounds with saline, and that was pretty much it. They just told me to keep doing what I'm doing: Keep him rested and check for food intake/poop.

Sooo Helpful.
Ugh that's so frustrating! :(

Ok, well, I would see if you can get some slightly more watery than normal critical care into him, keep him warm (so provide a warm spot in a small/carry cage for him) and quiet.

Has he produced any droppings yet?
He is currently in a carry cage, with fleece bedding and a house. There was 2 droppings when the vet was checking him.

I asked the Vet about the Critical Care, they did not have any. They also were not very helpful in telling me where I could acquire any.
If you can't get the critical care today,you could get by on grinding up pellets mix with water and a little plain canned pumpkin until you get some CC.Empty a high strengtn capsule of probiotic in the mix will help too.Just temporary till you can get some CC.;)
Ok, I did the whole pellets/water/pumpkin mix and he gobbled it right up, then he was running around all over the place... I am optimistic that he is going to pull through this.
I'm glad to see he is eating and seems to be quite lively.
Is he peeing and pooping yet?

The first 72 hours (in my experience) are the most critical - hopefully he will continue to improve and his wounds will heal.
Keep an eye on the wounds for any signs of infection.

Fingers crossed for the little chap.

BTW did the female get off with no wounds?
He was pooping last night, still a little small and dry, but hey, it's a start.

The female had the tiniest cut on her nose, but she was fine.

And Claire, I just wanted to say that I am Very grateful to you for your help, it means a lot to me. I think you really did help save his life with your great advice.

mercynursie, that information about the crushed up pellets was fantastic, he will not eat solids (I think his mouth is still sore from that little cut) but he is loving your mixture. Thank you very much for your input.
That is awesome that he is eating now and more lively. He is sure lucky to have found a mama like you. Now lets just hope that you aren't trying to deal with kits in the future... Keep up the great work!
He was pooping last night, still a little small and dry, but hey, it's a start.

The female had the tiniest cut on her nose, but she was fine.

That sounds positive - how are they both doing today?

And Claire, I just wanted to say that I am Very grateful to you for your help, it means a lot to me. I think you really did help save his life with your great advice.

You are most welcome and I am glad things have turned out ok - kudos go to you for acting so fast and for taking these two chins on. Let's face it, without your intervention they might well have fought to the death.

Please do keep us posted on their progress.
He is now fighting the CC and pellet mix, he wants to just eat on his own :D YAY!!!

He is SO fiesty! For the last 2 days I could just go and pick him up because he was so blah, now he is becoming more independent and acting like a normal chin. I took him out of the carrier and put him in a slightly larger cage so he can move around more. He is eating some hay and drinking good. His poops are improving in amount and texture.

The female is acting like nothing ever happened, she is fine and I have someone with chin experience coming to get her on Wed. So soon she will be in a new home where she will be the only chin and spoiled rotten...

As for Batman, (He's all black and I just HAD to give him that name, because his old owner named him 'Kevin') I will be keeping him for at least 30 days before trying to find him a new home. I want to make sure he is 100% OK before he goes. Also, I don't want him stressing out by being moved around so much.

I may even keep him, my Husband seems quite fond of him already. We'll see how things pan out. I Really wish I could post pics, but I only have my camera phone and is stinks.