Favorite Part of a chinchilla

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What physical feature atracted you to chinchillas?

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I was first attracted to their overall cuteness and beauty. I now have a thing for really small brevi ears, which wasn't an option on the poll . I think that chins with little round ears are so pretty.
I'm glad you mentioned ears. The ears were the first thing I noticed. Then the tail.
The one thing Therese speaks up to the chinchillas about is when she's trying to close the run doors. As the chins frantically try to peek out and snif their neighbor's door, Therese yells out and says "Toeses and Noses!", to let them know to not get either one caught in the door being closed.

So I guess in our house, the two are tied. :unsure: They're both really cute!
I voted face because that encompasses more of the chin, but the tail, nose and hands have to be my favorite.
I always loved their tails, and how soft their fur was. Also how their whiskers are forever moving! I think it's the cutest thing ever.
i dont know if this counts as "feet" but i LOVE their little hands when they pick up pellets and hay. SO cute.
I love their lil hands, how they push you away when you agrro them, lol.
Second, I voted for tummy, I love giving them tummy massages, there so soft and squishy.
I can't believe those bigs ears were not an options in the poll. How could anyone resist those!!
I voted fur; but, the hands were a very, very close second. The way they hold food, sticks etc.---wayyy too cute!!!
My thing is the ears ..first... and I'm blessed to have Phoenix's little teeny ears, Palay's "normal" sized ears, and Obsidian's flying saucer ears! LOL

I also like the little fuzzy feet.. all four of them! Even when they are ice cold and making a trail across my snoozing face :p

Then whiskers.. cuz nobody gives a "butterfly kiss" better than Phoenix, with his whiskers, of course! He even sings his silly chinny song while tickling me!
Couldn't vote cause it's all about those ears! So much personality in the face is the big floppy ears, and I love scritching behind them!
I voted face but I was attracted to the whole package. I remember when I was in grade school we had a chinchilla in science class and he was always escaping. I loved everything about him.
Probably the face and the feet! I love the little hand like ones on the front, and those huge long back feet! When I first got my fur-baby, my mom was so happy about the back feet, saying they looked like the feet on the squirrel from Ice Age.
Front feet! No doot aboot it! I love their little front feet and do enjoy holding on to them and rubbing them. Four of my five boys just love to have their front feet massaged except Max, he still Kung Fu's me but he's getting better.
I know this sounds weird but I would say their butts!!

Not the butt butt, like where the poo comes out but I would say the bottoms of their backs... this is because I love to rub their fur on my face and that is the largest furry part!!!! lol So I guess you could say the fur is my favorite.

My friends have a joke about how my hobbies include "rubbing furry chin butts on my face" hahaha
I will say the whole package, but their tails amazes me the most, the way they "swing" it from right to left or left to right, it's almost like, right before a cat trying to catch a toy or something.

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